[center][i][color=ed1c24][b][h1]Natasha Jackson[/h1] Location: Vanessa's Restaurant Interacting with: [@BeautifulSnow] Vanessa, [@Nallore]Anastasia, [@BlackPanther] The twins, [@Caits]Cassandra.[/b][/color][/i][/center] Alright Natasha’s headache may have been a killer one, enough to put a lesser man to bed, but she had suffered such and worse before for days and weeks on ends. It wasn’t enough to dull her senses and she clearly noticed the reactions of the twins that entered.[color=ed1c24][i]’ Those two are suspects too… judging by the way they reacted, they knew who I was. That means they were in the forest earlier and recognized me.’ [/i][/color]The hunter thought, but pretended to not even pay them any attention for now. They were going to get their few minutes of fame later… That noted, she quickly also remembered the face of the girl with the twins. Good chances she was one too. After all the attack news she got, stated that the number of brats at the forest back then was pretty big. [color=ed1c24] “No, don’t worry I’ve already got used to it…” [/color]Natasha said with a smile[color=ed1c24].” No need to apologize, Anastasia. I will probably just drop the article depending on what that Riley girl shows me later.”[/color] The reporter said with a shrug. She knew full well that the brat would lead her to a surely clean place away from where the real attack happened. That was fine and she was going to play the role of being fooled then. [color=ed1c24][i] ‘So her name’s Cassandra? Good to know.’[/i][/color] Tasha made another mental note. Gosh she was already hated so much in this town! That was fine, she preferred her prey to hate her, to fear her, to desire her dead! That way they would make stupid mistakes!