As Kait wandered throughout the town, she took note of many things. Firstly, the smell of the town. Very earthy and dewey, but with a distinct sea-salt tinge added to it, that would surely get stronger the closer you came to the sea. Secondly, was the heat. Port towns were quite hot, apparently, and without her wide brimmed hat and coat, Kait would have been sweating like a dog. The last thing she consciously noticed was that there weren't a lot of people here. The Inn keeper had mentioned that this was about the edge of town last night (though wouldn't speak to her in the morning, oddly). She'd have to continue on a bit further into the village. Deeper into Fynn, Kait encountered more people, and more shops as well, but the shops all had odd names. "Rosewood", "Flopping Lightning Fish", "Horus's". As much as she wanted to browse the shops personally, that would take a long time, and she needed food. She made way to ask a few citizens of the town, but they all ignored her question. She didn't quite understand why they would ignore her, the spear strapped to her back maybe? If so, then it would be wise to go talk to those who didn't mind weaponry. Blacksmiths. Kait followed the simple rhythmic bang of the hammer to get there. It seemed the forge was going sun up to sun down and maybe even beyond here. Kait had assumed it was because the country was in war times, but she never bothered to ask. Now would be the time to do so. Approaching the building, she noticed many of the workers having lunch. [color=indianred]"Ah, seems I've come at the perfect time."[/color] Kait mumbled to herself as she approached. She quickly made her way over to one of the men and asked him where he had gotten the food. He just responded by pointing at a human and telling her "Travel'r Shamus got us grub today." She walked over to the appointed man. Looking him over, Shamus was an average man. Not old or young looking, but very gruff. He was scarred and calloused, as well as quite well built, a result of him working the forge all day most likely. Overall, he looked quite approachable, so that's exactly what Kait did. [color=indianred]"Hello, Sir Shamus. I was wondering if you could tell me where you have gotten this food. To feed so many men it must be cheap, hm?"[/color]