Name: [url=]Mischa[/url] Pomonov PhD in Galactic History and Xenoarcheology (a,k.a. Mimi, Michela) Age: 23 Biologically. 34 Chronologically. She's spent a few years in a cryopod after the ship's primary hyperdrive failed. Physical Description: Mischa stands just a few inches over five foot. She has a very thin frame, with a lithe, agile build. Many people make fun of her for being so short and tiny, though it serves her well in her work. She's an experienced spelunker and enjoys the advantage of being able to fit into very small spaces. In zero gravity, her compact mass allows her some extra mobility and control of her motions. She has short cut black hair, and dark brown eyes. When she's in her full space suit, it's entirely possible that she could be mistaken for a boy. She has rounded facial features and slightly narrow eyes, hinting at the mix of heritages that birthed her. She has very slight curves, with a modest bust and a firm, athletic bottom. History: Mischa was born in a small colony near the edge of the Core Worlds. Most of the people from her particular colony (designated PRT-00031, simply named Triple Oh) become miners, pilots, or manual labor for the station's maintenance. Her early life was simple and boring. It changed when the Derelict was discovered. The Derelict was a massive generation ship from another sentient alien race in the galaxy. The three hundred thousand different alien specimens on board had died ages ago, and the ship was all but a floating wreck. Nothing functioned, but as it was dissected and disassembled, it fed the flames of curiosity throughout the galaxy. Mischa was no different. She took advantage of grants - programs looking for scientists and explorers to go to the far flung reaches of space in search of more of these aliens or their long lost civilizations. Within a decade, she had all the training she needed to know her calling in life. In the last year, she's been working with a research conglomerate. Her plan and scouting route for the Border Worlds was completely new, and astrological data she'd collected supported a number of unique findings that she'd uncovered in her work. They approved her plan, drafted a five year contract, and outfitted her with a budget to buy a ship and supplies, and sent her on her way. Her Ship: Numinous [img][/img] The light corvette provided to her was designed for long range travel. The massive twin hyperdrives mounted under each of the powerful engines were capable of fast, long range jumps. It’s capable of supporting a crew of six, but only one person is required to operate it completely. In N-Space, it’s fast for a ship it’s size. It has powerful maneuvering thrusters capable of very precisely. In atmosphere, it loses a good amount of that maneuverability. It has little lift from design. That’s compensated by the huge amount of thrust those thrusters can put out. It’s not elegant, but it works. The ship is completely unarmed and very lightly armored. It’s cargo hold contains a rover and ample space for samples and artifacts. The small lab is well stocked with various analytical tools and equipment to properly perform her mission, as well as medical equipment to treat any injuries she may experience.