Chester barged into the room. "Guys!" He shouted, paniced, at Macario and Lina. "Guys, seriously!" he seconded, panting as he did, Kuhn came running, appearing behind him. "Dude, Kuhn! Sit down!" He shouted and Kuhn shrugged. "What?" he asked, a slight bit of worry in his voice. "I feel this creeping sensation going down my spine. [i]I think someone's after me.[/i]" "Sure that's not the booze talking?" Kuhn asked him with a sarcastic tone. "No, it's Chester talking, [i]moron.[/i] Booze can't talk.. BUT THAT BRINGS ME TO MY POINT!" He added. Kuhn put his hand to his face, getting a cup from the freshly made pot of coffee, sitting down. "I caught a god damn fish, guys!" "... Good for you?" "No, seriously, a super weird fish, it's talking!" Chester " What.." Kuhn explained, in disbelief. "It's so fucking cool!" He added, with a big grin, as he walked out of the kitchen, he headed towards the fishing rods attached to the railings, as he started reeling the line up, the purple and gold fish with red stripes was on the hook. Looking at it with it's cold fish-eyes. "You are all probably questioning weather you should eat me.. But the answer might surprise you.." The fish spoke with a deep voice. "Holy crap he talks." Kuhn said in disbelief, his jaw dropping. "Isn't he awesome?!" Chester stated with a giggle. The rain had now started pouring a lot heavier, thunder could be heard in the distance, the wind was picking up, as well.