[h3]Rin[/h3] Well, everyone else seemed a little too absorbed in their own things right now to introduce themselves. Rin couldn't help but grin at the two that did, however. "Excellent!" she beamed at Rachel and Nicholas, flashing a thumbs up in approval. "Kamen Riders are all allies of justice aside from the few that are evil monsters but still! Let all who stand in the way of righteousness be crushed beneath our iron heels of... Um... Good! And... Stuff! Yeah!" [i]Maybe[/i] she was overdoing it a bit. But she couldn't help it, it was all just so exciting. After all those years of waiting she'd finally recieved [i]The Call[/i]™, and that wasn't something she was going to be blasé about. And as everyone began discussing which [s]job[/s] [i]epic quest for justice[/i] they were going to take on first, she could barely sit still, hopping from one foot to the other with bated breath. ...Of course, every party had to have a pooper, and this party's pooper seemed to be some guy who looked like he'd wandered straight out of a JRPG. Without even wasting a moment to think, Rin wandered over towards Samuel and slapped him on the back of the head. "Does that [i]feel[/i] pretend to you?" The smile refused to leave her face even as her voice became notably sterner. "Besides, whether this is real or not you may as well lighten up and enjoy yourself for the time being. Enough monologuing, just accept that you've been chosen to be a hero of justice like the rest of us! And speaking of..." Her grin seemed to grow twice as large, spreading across her entire face as she braced herself... "Saving princesses is the most basic of herowork, so I've already made my choice! [i]Geronimo![/i]" And without even a moment's hesitation, she made a mad dash for the portal, leaping in headfirst without any consideration for what might lie beyond...