[@Dark Light] Knutik was occupied trying to hide his embarrassment when a man spoke out, he lifted his head in response and followed his gaze to where he was pointing. The vase he'd broken looked as if it was replaced with an exact replica, the broken shards not in sight. A wisp of wind sounded in fascination as he flew over to the vase, picking it up carefully and examining it with curious eyes. Not a scratch, chip or crack seen. He eyed the vase, considering adding it to his collection of treasures before gently putting it back. A wave of relief washed over him and he felt a lot better. Confidence regained, Knutik floated over to the bar where others seemed to be hanging out and took a 'seat', neatly folding his hands on the bar surface and stiffly avoiding eye contact with the others as he waited patiently for service.