"I never got the knife." Shaking her head, Lina gave an exasperated sigh, "Honestly..." Macario suggested, "You know, I think he's telling the truth." "Really!?" the God Fish gasped. "Oh, about the book thing, not the virtuous luck crap. Animals pick up stuff from humans all the time." The fish seemed to slump back, but a gust of wind sent him flying about. Lina said, "We just ate...put him in some water and cook him later if you want to. I don't want to try cooking something that was just screaming at me." "I'm not screaming!" "[i]Hypothetically,[/i]" Lina insisted. But then...hypothetically...what if he was telling the truth. Getting a bit nervous, she turned away, suggesting, "Just throw him over board. He probably wouldn't taste good anyway."