[quote=@Polyphemus] [hider=Miles Wellington] Name: Miles Wellington IV Appearance: Miles is a Caucasian male, with the strawberry-blonde hair, blue eyes, and fair complexion of all the Wellington men. As a teenager, he's tall at 6'2" and fairly gawky. His clothes are inevitably expensive and fairly conservative- collared shirts, slacks, oxford shoes, a blazer or cashmere sweater in colder weather. He also always wears suspenders instead of a belt. It's a Wellington family thing. Don't say anything or he'll punch you. Personality: Miles is an unrepentant bully and generally unpleasant person. It's not for attention, it's not due to mental illness, it's not the pressures of society- he's just an entitled jerk who believes his money and family name entitle him to pick on others. Having never experienced consequences or adversity in his life, he is extremely shallow and expects everything to go his way. Likes: -Expensive clothing -Fast cars -Beating up plebes -Party drugs Dislikes: -Plebes -Being told "no" Hobbies: Miles is something of a gearhead, he enjoys working on and driving cars. With his family's deep pockets and influence, he's not too concerned about speeding tickets or wrecks and thus can be found tearing down back roads at around 90 MPH, a hobby that has made him intimately familiar with the layout of the area. Background: The Wellingtons are one of the real old money families of Greenbriar. They first made their money in the Oregon timber boom of the 1880s, and careful investment and diversification has only seen their wealth increase in the years since. Miles is the latest scion of the Wellington line, living in the mansion at the top of the hill that everyone knows to avoid. His parents Miles III and Caroline hardly pay any attention to him- his mother is inevitably swimming in a sea of gin and his father is always off on business trips to Portland or Shanghai or Frankfurt or somewhere, leaving their son to be raised by a succession of housekeepers. Without much in the way of supervision, he frequently got into trouble, occasionally picking fights with other kids. Inevitably, regardless of who threw the first punch, the official version reflected that Miles was only acting in self-defense. His arrogance only grew over time, he could do no wrong. An entire childhood of this has resulted in a deceitful, arrogant, and entitled teen. He maintains an A+ average despite never studying, paying other students to do his work for him (and any teacher who gives him a black mark is out of a job in short order). Despite his abuse of pills, constant reckless driving, and tendency to physically assault other students he sees as "plebes", he has a spotless criminal record. People are only his friends because it's marginally safer than being his enemy, but Miles doesn't know the difference. Essentially, he has grown into a small-minded bully who is convinced of his own righteousness, and is looking forward to graduation so he can go terrorize another town like New Haven, Cambridge, or Raleigh- yes, he's destined for Ivy League in spite of it all. [/hider] Let me know if any changes are needed. And yes, he is supposed to be completely unlikable- everyone was making nice characters. [/quote] The unlikable are the spice of life!