[hr][hr][center][img]https://s32.postimg.org/h9zxjum6t/media_header.png[/img] [img]https://gwrtc103projects.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/robin.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr]Amelia glanced down at her phone, void of any decent texts. Most of them came from her former college friends, attempting to convince her that they each had some big hit on the apocalypse to release. She couldn't help but feel disappointed in Liam for pushing the same on her. She had done some research into the Rise of the Witnesses, in which the dead were brought back and mindlessly attacked those who failed to save them. As far as she was concerned, everyone was acting like this was [i]the Walking Dead[/i]. Speaking of which... [color=pink]"Today, many citizens in California are suffering from an unusual virus. The city of Sacramento has been quarantined and the National Guard deployed. This virus, dubbed the Croatoan Virus, appears to turn harmless soccer moms into bloodthirsty cannibals,"[/color] Amelia summarized, frowning ever so slightly at the next line on the cue cards. [color=pink]"It appears some parents are in desperate need of a...of a snickers bar."[/color] The stills that appeared behind her were only more worrisome. Some of them were true, footage taken from the deadly occurrences. Others were actually taken from the previously mentioned TV show, in order to strike more fear and terror into the minds of their viewers. With the world the way it was, no one seemed to bother with fact checking any more. [color=pink]"The virus appears to be traveling north,"[/color] Amelia added, the screen flickering back to her. [color=pink]"It appears to be transmitted by blood to blood contact, and the CDC is currently working on a cure. We here at [i]World News Now[/i] advise that you remain at home this evening in order to stay safe. Thank you, my name is Amelia Pilkvist, and good night."[/color] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Witch Cat] [@Lady Amalthea] [@BlueSky44] [@Pundii] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr] [@Nallore]: Believe it or not, this was the lucky option you got. As Sam curls up in the back of the truck, no more creepy voices or visions appear. Instead, she can notice Jessica Sorreast stumbling along, her eyes as dark as night. It's the way someone moves if advised to "act like a robot or alien parasite in a human body for the first time." She doesn't seem to notice you, however. Do you go and talk with her, see if she needs help? Or do you stay clear of her? Probably just a meth head, right? [@Pundii]: Liam's allowed to sleep, thankfully, even with Sylvia concluding next door she's got to kill him. Sariel appears quietly, sitting at the desk, an angel blade with her -- identical looking to the one Howard has. Liam may notice her, but Sancho is all snuggled up with him, and do you [i]really[/i] wanna disturb a comfy cat while in bed? But then again, Liam'll probably realize that he isn't alone in the room...Wonder how well he'll sleep with a stranger looking over him, right? [@Lady Amalthea]: Danica makes it home safely, and as the Inn isn't all too big, her room's window happens to face out into the street, first floor and everything. This mangy black dog is jumping up at the window, barking its head off. Seems it thinks that Danica is a tasty treat. Aren't black dogs omens of death or something? You know, could belong to someone who left town as well...Definitely harmless, right? Maybe it's Beast Boy, the Teen Titans could be here after all! [@Witch Cat]: There's no rest for the wicked, apparently. Sylvia's phone buzzes, it's one of those news alert apps. If she reads on, it turns out that CIA Agent Scarlett Warrington released a statement minutes ago. Unusual levels of sulfur were found on the body of Vivian Adder. But being the witch you are, that shouldn't surprise you very much. Demons tend to leave sulfur around. But you know what's even funnier? A petrified nurse named Mary [i]also[/i] released a statement to the police, about how Dr. Sorreast totally flipped out on everyone, smelling of rotten eggs. Guess there's more than one demon in town, right? [hr][hr][center][h1][color=red]Mephistopheles[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lukimm8ha31qhqigao1_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Number 3 Grant Road Interacting With: Daniyal Lohi [@Witch Cat][/center][hr][hr]Seeing Daniyal raise the finger, Mephistopheles' face curled into a smile. It had been ages since a witch tried that trick with him, and he fondly thought back to the simpler days of the 1700s. Those were the days! Back then, a demon could do anything, and gain a decent audience for it. The horror, the shock, the applause! But now? Their work was scoffed at, explained away. The humans [i]forgot[/i] in them. [color=red]"I see you've gone back to your roots, Daniyal,"[/color] Mephistopheles observed coolly, his eyes shifting from white to black rapidly. [color=red]"Now Daniyal, my dear boy, what else did witches do back then [i]beyond[/i] raise their finger?"[/color] Mephistopheles paused, waving his hand slightly as he waited for his question to be answered. And as much as he enjoyed the dramatic effect, the impatience began to get to him. His eyes shifted towards his fellow demons, snapping his fingers as he whispered, [color=red]"they burned."[/color] Instantly, flames erupted around Daniyal. They engulfed him, growing hotter and with more intensity each time he struggled. Mephistopheles walked around him, eyeing his victim. The fire had already begun to catch to the house, but it hardly bothered the demons. Fire didn't harm them the way that it did mortals. Very few things could kill them and hardly anything could stop them properly. [color=red]"Your mother screamed when she died,"[/color] Mephistopheles observed, watching Daniyal in his death throws. [color=red]"Will you?"[/color][hr][hr][center][h1][color=#ffcc66]Detective Hanson[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7zzxu9sKi1rrbwwoo1_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: Altsoba Methodist ---> Mountain View Cemetery Interacting With: Amy Chang [@Lady Amalthea], John Moses[/center][hr][hr]Hanson craned his neck, seeing John Moses' bastard face looming over him. He spat up towards him, blood flying towards the ghost, and falling straight on through. The ghost reached his hands forward, wrapping them around Hanson, and boils began to appear in addition to the burns. Hanson's hand flailed around, looking for salt or iron, only for Amy's salt to cause Moses to vanish. [color=ffcc66]"You learn fast,"[/color] Hanson observed, wheezing slightly. The boils were disgustingly pus filled, and they looked as if they were touched in the slightest, they'd burst. At that moment, he had no future in modeling. His hands were increasingly swollen, to the point he couldn't have picked up hardly anything, let alone his sidearm. Fortunately, Mountain View Cemetery wasn't too far off. They arrived there with little hassle, no cars running into them, no crazy street preachers claiming that Amy Chang was the vessel of Lucifer. Perhaps the driver had the right idea, however, but it seemed that John Moses wasn't appearing again. The two of them were safe, for now. Hanson weakly raised a hand, pointing towards the far left corner of the cemetery. [color=ffcc66]"John fucking Moses is buried there....Six feet under..."[/color] Hanson managed to say, even his tongue swelling now. From his knowledge on ghost sickness, Hanson figured he was lucky if he had half an hour left, before death finally claimed him for its own. He glanced around, half expecting to see a reaper there, only to see the dark sky above them. [color=ffcc66]"You gots to torch it...Gasoline and a lighter...'ll do the trick."[/color] His head fell flat on the gurney, his strength rising and falling faster than a pregnant woman's mood swings. Luckily for Amy, there wouldn't be any major issues with digging up the stiff. All of it would be in there, and luck seems to indeed be a lady tonight, as the corpse'll light easily. Whether that'll actually help Hanson? Only time will tell...[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ffcc]Aloise Zamora[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/3316bb021d7aee494c771a6190650b64/tumblr_inline_n9w7xxDAwn1rwt71l.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: On the Road in Idaho Interacting With: The Radio[/center][hr][hr]Aloise frowned a bit, hearing the radio broadcast of [i]Late Night with Seth Meyers.[/i] The endless jokes about the apocalypse, while informative, were starting to get to her. She wasn't the type to joke around with tragedy. She flickered through the radio dial, attempting to find something [i]decent[/i] to listen to. Instead, all she could find was that Halestorm garbage. Shutting the dial off, Aloise began to sing her favorite song, her smile wide with pride. [center][color=00ffcc]♫ "From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli; We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea! First to fight for right and freedom, And to keep our honor clean. We are proud to claim the title of United States Marine" ♫[/color][/center][hr][hr][h1][center][color=FA5858]Howard Brighton[/color][/center][/h1][center] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/0df7e49c7a5626b985dd465a085e63f2/tumblr_inline_o4bt46mjIt1rfmocr_500.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Forgotten Relics - The Shopping District Interacting With: Darren Andrews [@Pundii], Mitsukuri Katsumi, and Zachary Carpenter[@BlueSky44] [/center][hr][hr]Howard smiled, taking a sip from his own drink as Darren pushed down Katsumi's gun. The entire gun was such an ineloquent weapon, it tended to bother him slightly. With katanas, there was a certain...grace to them. With a gun, one just had to pull the trigger and look in the general direction of their opponent. There was no style to it, no beauty. In truth, he pitied the dead girls on the ground for such a bland death. [color=FA5858]"Do you see something that interests you?"[/color] Howard inquired, seeing Darren's watchful eye. He smiled pleasantly at the man, setting down the angel blade, and picking up the Book of the Damned once more. He opened it carefully, running his fingers lightly over the symbols and texts. Few in the world were qualified to read it, but perhaps Danica, Sylvia, or Liam could. [color=FA5858]"According to legend, a nun locked herself away and wrote this on human skin, using her own blood as ink...They say she was possessed by the devil, but saw all of his secrets and tricks, and recorded it all for generations to come in the fight against Satan."[/color] He paused, his eyes glancing up at Katsumi, Darren, and Zachary. He doubted that they had much interest in it, and he shut the spell book, folding his hands neatly on the counter by his drink. [color=FA5858]"Though I must ask: what brings you to my shop, hmm?"[/color]