[@Supertinyking] Martin's call had not gone unheard among the forces of the Imperium. With Kaldor Draigo momentarily unavailable, the decision was brought to Azrael, current Commander General of the Spaceborn Military. A quick Auger check revealed that the origin point indeed contained technology foreign to this world. The possible severity of the situation merited a check, and it was not within enemy territory. A dispatch was approved by Azrael personally, as the great battleships hovering over Arcadia prepared the old tried-and-true strategy of Steel Rain. The troops were armed and armoured up, and made their way into several drop pods. These pods were fired through the atmosphere of Arcadia, like high-powered and highly accurate missiles. They launched for thousands of killometers, streaking a trail of fire across the sky, shooting stars of war that would be all too familiar to the Alliance and Outliners, who had seen them previously employed. Eventually the drop pods crashed into one of the many cities of Switzerland. They avoided the exact origin of the coordinates, unwilling to accidentally squash the person sending it (or their house), instead smashing through a number of nearby office towers. They came to a rest lodged into the ground in a square, although there wasn't much left but rubble and dust when the three pods opened up. Slowly they emerged, two squads of Tactical Marines, and one squad of Devastator Marines. They had come prepared for anything, completely ignoring the 'unarmed' statement. If the sender was an ally, they would happily cooperate. If not, they would make sure this information was taken by the Empire, and did not fall into enemy hands. Squad Alpha, the Devastator squad, was a heavily equipped bunch. They were lead by Luitenant Adrian, wielding a Master-Crafted Multi-Melta, a powerful weapon that fired burst of high-powered plasma. The weapon had the same range as a non-heavy Bolter, but was well-known for melting through armour with ease. Of his squad mates, 3 carried Heavy Bolters, 1 carried a Missile Launcher, and 2 carried Lascannons. This was all long-range weaponry, mainly focused against anti-armour. Lascannon lasers were capable of firing incredibly high-powered lasers that would rip any armour apart instantly. The missile launcher carried both Krak and Frag Missiles, allowing for the versatility of anti-armour or anti-personell fire. They carried a set of Flashbang grenades to deter enemies from getting too close. Squad Beta was the first of the two tactical squads. Their role was to scout ahead, and they were equipped for the task. Luitenant Amon was equipped with a Force Sword and Bolt Pistol, able to defend himself well in melee and at range. The weapon packed a lot of punch, but wasn't particularly effective against armour. Most of his squad-mates carried Bolters, but 2 carried Flamers. These powerful promethium-based weapons made the flamethrowers of earth look like mere lighters. The squad carried Melta Bombs, high-powered bombs that needed to be set on a target before use. Squad Zeta was the second tactical squad deployed. Their role was to cover Beta, as well as deal with versatile enemies. They were more maneuverable than Alpha, and therefore could best cover the flanks of both other squads. Lead by Luitenant Drakon, who wielded a Master-Crafted Sniper Rifle. The others in the squad carried mostly Bolters, although two wielded Plasma Guns. They wielded standard Frag Grenades, anti-infantry fragmentation grenades. The infantry was accompanied by a single Librarian, a man by the name of Remus Day. Wielding a Force Stave and Plasma Pistol, he wielded the Divination school of psychic ability. This would allow him to direct and assist his allies in battle. He hung back with Squad Alpha, assisting them at range while preserving himself. After a brief role-call, Remus ordered the troops move forward. Moving from cover to cover, Squad Beta scouted forward for the two others as they advanced through the ruined city. Their target had certainly noticed their arrival, as they hadn't exactly been subtle. But it was no matter, as they could deal with anything in their way. Upon eventually arriving at the Station itself the squads prepared for battle. Alpha and Zeta set up their weaponry in a nearby abandoned building, preparing to fire on anything that seemed dangerous. Meanwhile, Squad Beta moved forward, slowly creeping towards the entrance of Space Station 13. Luitenant Amon warily looked around, before lowering his weapon and raising his voice. "We are the Dark Angels of the Space Marines, responding to a distress signal from this area. Identify yourself, as well as the nature of your distress. We do not wish to fight you, but we will if it proves necessary." Amon didn't state exactly what would be deemed 'necessary', but it was true he had no intention of fighting. This wasn't an assault mission, rather it was an investigation, and diplomacy was the preferred option.