[@Sailorsadie] [center][h1][color=Red]Allan[/color][/h1][/center] While Allan was trying to go the opposite direction of his room his feet had another plan for him and before he knew it he was standing in front of his doorway that he just watched a girl with her two headed dragon enter. [i]Oh, so she's Veronica. I'm suddenly not ready for this again, as if I ever was.[/i] Al held onto the items that Soreth had found along the way, mainly lost jewelry from years past and other shiny trinkets. He already knew his dragon was going to be a hoarder so decided that his closet, if he has one, will be where he will let Soreth stash her treasure. Soreth watches Allan in curiosity as he hesitates to enter the room. She already knew that getting him to socialize with people may need a little bit of a...push. So, at that thought, Soreth obviously nudges her human closer to the door. "Easy there! Alright, alright, I'll go in okay?" Allan spoke a bit louder than he normally did due to being caught off guard by the push. With a deep breath he opens the door and peeks in. It looked like nobody was there, or at least nobody was in the main area that would be open to the both of them. [i]Perfect, now I can hold off any awkward introductions,[/i] the red head mumbles before adjusting his glasses and going to a room with his name on it. He quickly but quietly walks to the room and opens the door, a sigh of relief leaving him as he sees his own luggage in a neat pile in the corner. Looking around Allan saw that, to his surprise, his two rats were in there cage in another corner of his room (as I assume pets are allowed since Vivi has birds). Quickly he goes to his closet to drop off Soreth's findings and once he turns around he sees the mountain dragon sniffing the cage. "[u]Food?[/u]" Soreth thinks with a look to Allan. Even more quickly than before, Allan moves over to the cage. "No, not food. Pets...umm...friends. They're...my friends." He murmurs in a soft voice, a bit embarrassed that his only friends were two rats. Al walks over to the cage and opens it. Instantly his black eyed white rat and agouti rat both climb on his arms and take place on his shoulders. "Don't attack them, okay Soreth?" Soreth nods and goes over to her small pile of shiny trinkets in the closet while Allan starts unpacking with his pets sitting on either shoulder. [hr] [center][h1][color=Orange]Nate[/color][/h1][/center] Nate had been looking around the apartment as he awaited for his new roommate to arrive. Already he had figured out which room was designated for which person and was about to see if there were any snacks there when he hears someone walk in and introduce himself. The light brown haired male turns around to see Vince and Lotan before Xalanth instantly starts sniffing the stranger and his dragon. "Nice to finally meet you Vince, my name is obviously Nate." He nods back with a smile. "It looks like we're going to be roommates for awhile, huh? What's your thought on suddenly having a dragon at your side?" Nate didn't like too small of a talk so instantly asked the question he had been wanting to ask everyone all day. He was curious to know what other people thought about all this.