[center][h1] - Viral - [/h1][/center] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] [@Nightknight] [@Wraithblade6] [@Absolis] [@supertinyking] Amidst the extensive fighting and screaming occurring around Enki's feet, Cyano was just another technicoloured dot among a blur of faces and bright lights. Her voice was lost in the din, and Viral was unlikely to take notice of her even if he'd been aware of her. Nothing about her belied the abilities she possessed, making her just another of many fighters, if one with a particularly large ego. He did, however, almost step on her as Enki shifted position. The beam had charged up, the baleful red light casting stark shadows across the battlefield. "This is the fate of those who oppose me." With those words, Viral fired the weapon of mass destruction. A beam of light tore across the battlefield in front of Enki, as a moment later massive explosions erupted from it's path. The entire area Firebrand, Ozo and Damien had been in was devoured in a massive red orb of an explosion, a powerful plasma-based explosion that would disintegrate all that it struck. Buildings were ripped asunder, collapsing as vast portions of them spontaneously vanished. Nothing was left in the blast area, all life eradicated. If anyone had survived, they had done so by escaping at the nick of time. Regardless, it would appear as if the group had been erased. Slowly, the massive mech turned back towards the scene around it's legs, as it stomped down on the last of the undead. There was a moment of silence. The demonstration of power had brought a halt to any fighting, and most likely even Cyano would have taken a moment to appraise the damage dealt by the attack. "The Alliance are worthless. The Imperium is worthless. The Goa'Uld are worthless." The words were spat out, as if the names left a bad taste on the tongue. "None are worthy of conquering this world. Mere humans with delusions of grandeur, weeds left to grow in the absence of the gardener. I am here to show them their place. Any who wish to follow me are free to. I am in need of troops, so I grant amnesty to those who made the foolish decision of turning against me in the heat of battle. Any who refuse are free to an honourable death." Faced with such a choice, few were willing to lay down their lives. Sighing, Viral lay back in his chair. He could feel the curse subsiding, as his body returned to normal. That had taken more out of him than he was willing to admit, to himself most of all. But once more he had dealt with all in front of him. Dirty humans resorting to dirty tactics, because they had nothing else. Soon he would march on this source of information he had heard of, and begin establishing his dominance in this world. He would keep the more loyal elements of his army, and filter out the fools. He would form an army willing to follow him to the end, and he would lead them against the foolish factions that fought over this world. At that moment, had it not been for Cyano, he would have turned and marched away. But undoubtedly, the grumpy scientist would feel the need to intervene, having been ignored up until now.