[center][h1] - Unknown - [/h1][/center] [@Wraithblade6] As Mithias fought his way past the Hormogaunts, employing his superhuman strength and reflexes, he found himself driven into a corner. It almost appeared as if he was being herded, the creatures specifically targetting him and cutting off his escape route. Several seemed to happily sacrifice their lives for this cause, cutting him off from any potential allies even as they jumped in the path of attacks. With the difficulty he'd had dealing with even a single vampire, he found himself inevitably forced away, towards through a door into the back area of the peace convent, where refreshments and spare bow-ties were stored. It was rather strange, rolling backwards over a plate of delicate pink cupcakes to avoid a blast of acid blasted from what appeared to be a biological gun grafted to the arms of one of these things. The acid ate through the tablecloth and table, leaving the delicacies a most distasteful smoking goo. Dashing past a table of various alcohol-free drinks he found himself standing on a small landing strip. In front of him stood a tiny Imperium ship painted in the grey-and-white pattern of the Grey Knights, and bearing Kaldor's insignia. Clearly this was the ship he had used to arrive, although he had not retreated in this direction, seeming to possess no intention of retreating. Of course, as he moved in, the creatures instantly retreated. They were unwilling to approach the ship for unwilling reasons, instead holding Mithias in this area, and preventing others from coming to his aid. Although as Mithias looked back at the ship, he would come to the conclusion that it wasn't the ship they were avoiding. On the hood sat a single figure, casually leaning back over the windshield with hands behind his head. He smiled down, bright red eyes glowing up slightly. The smile looked almost genuinely kind, although his eyes betrayed a more sinister intention. To most he would merely look human. A kid of maybe 18 years old, with short scruffy hair and a green school uniform. He wasn't particularly strongly built, and wasn't particularly dangerous-looking. But Mithias noticed things others wouldn't. He noticed the lack of breathing, the complete silence that indicated death. Slight hint of fangs behind the smile, and the particular shape of the eyes. The way he moved his head, a grace and economy of motion similar to that of a predator. This person was a vampire, and a powerful one at that. He seemed to be surrounded by an aura of power, an almost physical force pushing at him. Mithias felt a strange and ridiculous urge to kneel, or bow, an almost instinctive recognition of vampiric royalty. "So, is this what our race has come to? Servants of fools?" The figure looked down at Mithias disapprovingly, seeming to gaze right through his flesh and into his soul. This figure bore himself like Gabriel, a vamp who just knew he was better than the rest. He even smiled in a similar way, the crazy grin of a mad god. "It appears that my kin in other realms truly are weak. Tell me. What is your name? Answer well, and I may yet let you live."