[@supertinyking][@thewizardguy] Vulga Remmington Location: Winnipeg, Canada Vulga had seen the devastating power of Enki, and the ruin in its wake. He was impressed by how much power it expelled and the radius it covered. If only such magnificence was in the capable hands of his master. None would dare to ever oppose Lord Horatio. Not having long to ponder the true expanse and diversity of what the enemies of this planet might have in store, Vulga had received new instructions form HQ, implanted into his mind. Seeing no reason to linger any longer in a city doomed to death, he teleported to HQ, collected some medical supplies, weapons, and body armor, and then transformed himself into a small young man with brown hair and eyes. It was time to get into character. With that, he cloaked himself and teleported as close to his target destination as possible. Vulga found himself in the outskirts of a ruined city. This must be the area where the signal originated. Unfortunately, he saw that he was not alone. Some humanoids in some form of power armor were currently in the process of advancing towards the target. Seeing this, he hid out of sight and decloaked, keeping his disguise. He would then come out and slowly approach, gun drawn as to appear to be a normal solider scouting the area. It was then that he came within sight of the Dark Angels and lowered his gun. Feigning ignorance he spoke. "W-Who are you!?"