Okay, this is a copy/paste from another RP that never took off while I work on the real character sheet. [center][hider=Riley ''Mouse'' Morales] [img]http://img13.deviantart.net/6dcc/i/2006/297/9/4/_edwin_for_enjeru__21_by_yamiza.jpg[/img][hr][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqiGYpvxt7A[/youtube][hr] [color=gray][h2][b]Name:[/b][/h2][/color] [i]Riley Phoebe Morales[/i] (Call her [i]Mouse.[/i]) [color=gray][h2][b]Alias:[/b][/h2][/color] Scrapyard. [color=gray][h2][b]Gender:[/b][/h2][/color] Female [color=gray][h2][b]Age:[/b][/h2][/color] 15 [color=gray][h2][b]Height:[/b][/h2][/color] 5'0ft [color=gray][h2][b]Weight:[/b][/h2][/color] 91lb [color=gray][h2][b]General Appearance:[/b][/h2][/color] Years of living on the street have not been particularly kind to Mouse. Well, they've hardened her, but at the same time, they deprived her of resources that would have caused her to grow up into a healthy young woman. Her skin's pale, she's very dirty (along with her clothes), and she's malnourished. Her body is skin and bones as Mouse literally got by on scraps (And stealing food with her power, of course). Though, the other thing you'll notice about Mouse is that, true to her name, she is small. Mouse is exactly five-feet tall, and is around ninety-pounds. A real scrawny little shit, don't expect her to be winning any fights, or any weight lifting contest. She would be just a tad muscular if she was actually properly nourished. Though, just like you'd expect; Mouse is quite light on her toes. Not surprisingly fast, however. However, Mouse isn't a bomb shell - far away from it as possible. Her chest is a measly 30A, which fits her size well (One would quickly notice that Mouse doesn't wear a bra. Ever), and her behind is flat. Now, Mouse is definitely Caucasian. She's a variety of different European countries. Like, a lot. Belarian, Lithuanian, German, Icelandic, French, Polish, and even Cherokee. These different ethnicity give Mouse a distinct European look. Like she's that one person you can't link to one specific European country. She's just your average American street-rat. What's most pronounced about Mouse is her bright-blue eyes, which contrast with her very black hair. Speaking of her hair... yeah, it's a total train wreck. A hair stylist's worst dream. Her hair's a mixture of dreadlocks, braids, and straight hair. She has plenty of long dreadlocks, that are styled messily (With some hooked upwards/downwards, bent, burnt off, etc), which clash with the strands of straight hair. Not that it's extremely well-maintained, it's very dirty, and everything you'd expect it to be. And this is all Mouse's doing. Due to living in poverty, and her interest in welding, Mouse doesn't have perfect clear skin. It's absolutely coated with scars from blunders, falls, and that hilarious time she made a welding torch explode. These injuries usually have a band aid (No matter what injury Mouse receives), and she'll be on her way. Mouse used to rub some dirt on it, but that didn't even too well for her. Now, fashion and Mouse never got along. Because Mouse can't get clothes without stealing it, her wardrobe is limited. So, it makes sense that she'd stick to one outfit. She has one patched together longcoat that is hastily made together from clothes she managed to scrap. It's part long coat, part leather jacket, part winter coat, and part T-shirt. It's something that she never gets rid of no matter what. She'll wear any kind of outfit underneath the longcoat. Literally. Anything that she can find. Sometimes she wears nothing at all underneath it and keeps it zipped up. However, Mouse always wears goggles on her head no matter what. [color=gray][h2][b]Costume:[/b][/h2][/color] [url=http://orig13.deviantart.net/bffd/f/2015/013/f/2/scrap_merchant_by_charro_art-d8dua7y.jpg]A dirty, grungy outfit that looks like it was pieced together out of trash.[/url] [color=gray][h2][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/h2][/color] [i]Telekinetic-Golem Creation.[/i] Mouse's ability allows her to produce a local telekinetic field that attracts objects inside of it, and form a telekinetic entity of her choice. Mouse can form these golems out of anything that isn't too heavy to lift, and they can take the shape of anything she desires. These Golem's size wholly depend on how much material Mouse has to work with. They can be either really small, or up to twenty feet tall, and quite big at that. However, once a telekinetic golem is created, she can't add anymore to their bodies. They're mostly humanoid, and they can be given orders by Mouse. She can make them do whatever she wants really. From simple commands, to more advance functions. These golems display a surprising intelligence when they carry out Mouse's orders - because it's a bit of Mouse's subconscious leaking in when she gives them orders. When she's done using her power, she may banish the telekinetic field, and the objects will go back to normal. However, while she's limited to only creating golems, Mouse here is clever enough to figure out that it is possible to use this ability as a rudimentary form of telekinesis. Such as infusing one object with the field to move it. [color=gray][h2][b]Power Grade:[/b][/h2][/color] 4.5 [color=gray][h2][b]Skills:[/b][/h2][/color] [i]Welding![/i] Mouse was taught by one of her street rat friends how to weld, and it's one thing that she dicks around with the most. She mostly uses her welding talent to make art (Of the political statement variety - or a giant metal dick). While she burns herself a lot due to her horrible practices, it's still impressive for a girl her age. She also knows how to spray paint, and make stencils (Which can also either be a political statement or a dick). Now, Mouse's best skill (Where she earned the name "Mouse" from) is her sneaking, and stealing ability. She's incredibly quiet, quick, and sneaky. She can sneak around even the best eyes using her expert stealth abilities. Her hands are also quite quick, and she can snatch something the moment you take your eyes off it. Hair styling is also an interest of hers that she's been exploring. She's godawful at it (Possibly on purpose), but it's a start. [color=gray][h2][b]Equipment:[/b][/h2][/color] A lot of scrap so she can create her golems. [color=gray][h2][b]Suit Capabilities:[/b][/h2][/color] The suit has no abnormal capabilities to speak of. It's mostly covered in ammunition that Mouse can use with her telekinesis. I guess you can say it'd be a bitch to punch bare-knuckled. [color=gray][h2][b]Personality:[/b][/h2][/color] A trickster to her very heart. As a coping mechanism for Mouse's rather shitty life, she's quite the snarky jokester that enjoys going out of her way to get a rise out of people (Or weirding them out). Both of which she's an expert at. If there's someone that Mouse singles out as easy, expect her to go to any length to piss them off. However, this is mostly a facade, as Mouse is quite determined, and focused, when the time's right. Mouse flips from joker, to determined scientist soon as the moment's right, and she can be quite... aloof. Actually, underneath the jokester persona in general, she's very distant, and doesn't let anyone in - and if anyone actually tries to get in, she'll only push them away. One could say that, innately; Mouse is quite bitter about her life, and the way it's gone. And especially how some people look down on her for not having the best slice of life. When Mouse is feeling especially sullen, she'll withdraw and retreat to her one love; arts and craft. Mouse's sexuality is very ambiguous. Mouse sexualizes females around her, to the point of absolute perversion. The first thing she'd say to a stacked female would be about her breast size, and she tends to get extra touchy around girls. It's a mystery if she's actually gay, or screwing with everyone - but one should note that she doesn't sexualize or harass guys. [color=gray][h2][b]History:[/b][/h2][/color] Born in Philadelphia, Mouse didn't know what happened to her parents; whether or not they died, abandoned her, or abducted by aliens. And quite frankly, it's completely irrelevant to her. In which case, Mouse was adopted by a family of poor people, and lived in utter poverty for most of her life. Due to this lifestyle, it gave Mouse a distinct look on the world - it allowed her to build up walls. Along with teaching her that the streets aren't particularly nice. Mouse in particular hung around a group of street rats that enticed her into stealing, and how to survive. It wasn't long until Mouse was stealing from people, among other things. It wasn't long until Mouse utterly abandoned them, and indulged in the life she was meant to live: the life of a street rat. She became well connected to her new family, and they taught her many things, along with opening up many new interests for her. They all hung out in a scrapyard, which had plenty of spare machinery lying around. A welding torch being among one of them. Her new "adopted" father was a former welder, and he taught the young girl how to weld, thinking that it'd be something fun... he didn't expect her to get the ropes of it so quickly. And soon enough, he created a welding monstrosity. Along with being taught how to spray paint, Mouse and her friends tagged the ever loving hell out of the city (The most bold thing they did was deface city hall - and got away with it). For years, Mouse lived in malnourished harmony, stealing whatever she needed, and living in relative happiness. However... it turned out that Mouse was a Zenith. Her telekinetic field manifested towards the end of her puberty. It was when she was welding when she discovered that she could create a golem out of sheer force of will, and order it to do whatever she pleases. Did she use this power responsibly? Hell no. She fiddled with the power to help her steal, and play pranks. Using this ability, Mouse managed to become a terror that scares off threats to her "family." Whenever something came up, Mouse was there to scare it off with her frightening telekinetic ability. She ruled the scrapyard with an iron fist.... ... Course, it wasn't long before authorities came along, and arrested her. Sending her to the Zenith school so she can't harass anyone else. [/hider][/center] Feel free to voice your thoughts.