[@thewizardguy] [@Nightknight] "...I am coming out, with my hands up.....do not shoot the purple wool covered human..." He says, slowly emerging from the station, hands up. "...My name is Martin Robinson. Please, don't murder me." He states, clearly. "I mean no harm....and I said come unarmed. If you start a conflict here, you might destroy something valuable, which could help save the planet....." He states, on his knees, hands up, making sure that he couldn't be miss interpreted as a hostile action. He was not terrified. He had ready a gas grenade, one that would scramble their dna. It'd be painful, but little else. Crippling, for a moment.... He eyed the fellows there, and felt as if he was being stared down by a Nanotech death squad. He felt like he'd be plastered at any moment. He however, was pulling a sort of bluff. He wanted them to think they needed him, if only slightly.