Things rapidly got out of hand, even more than Ba'al had expected. While he had been ready to talk with the Dark Outliners face to face, the rising tension had not helped matters. And it all culminated as a new foe presented itself, the center of the room practically exploding to release a pod into the room that in turn blew up to spread goop everywhere. Of course both Ba'al and Qetesh were fine, it splattering onto personal shields that flared to life and took the impact without harming either of them. The guard was less likely, but it wasn't like he was important anyway. "I suppose that's time for us to take our leave," Ba'al said with a sigh as he looked across to Qetesh. A button was pressed and the Goa'uld representatives would exit the room via teleportation, bright beams of light flashing before they vanished from sight. That had been interesting, he supposed. The two of them appeared on the bridge of one of the two Ha'taks that were drawing near the combat zone, though not in it yet. "Well then, that was eventful," Ba'al noted as he looked over at Qetesh, obviously amused. She wasn't, but that was besides the point. "I should return to our Empire. I trust you can handle things here?" "Of course I can. How little your faith in me," Qetesh replied with a smooth yet deadly velvet in her tone. Oh, she knew exactly how to handle this. With another press of the button Ba'al disappeared, leaving Qetesh on the bridge with the other Jaffa. The Queen of the Goa'uld Empire grinned darkly as she turned to look out the viewscreen at the scene of combat playing out in front of her, the Temple ship under attack along with the meeting place. Her eyes flashed as she issued commands to both Ha'taks. "Raise shields, launch Death Gliders. Fire. At everything." She would let them see the true power of the Goa'uld, in a way that they would understand. Fightercraft roared out from hangar bays to plunge ahead as shimmering gold energy walls rose around the approaching capital ships. They would move to meet the Tyranid forces even as bolts of golden plasma flew out from a myriad of ship mounted staff cannons. They were aiming at the Tyranid's, sure, but if it hit the Temple Ship or the meeting area in the process then she wouldn't complain. It was just unfortunate damage. [@thewizardguy][@Wraithblade6][@Absolis][@Savato]