[color=6ecff6][h2]❄Erika Olson❄[/h2][/color] [hr] Erika diligently ran a scan of Jacques's Rhyperior and noted the entry with awe. If she was ever going to get to that level, she surely had a long way to go if a veteran Rhyperior was but a taste of what the Elite Four had. Surely, Jacques would be open to questions, Erika thought. But perhaps later after the Professor had finished their briefing... As the Professor outlined everything, Erika fiddled with her Pokedex and took visual stock of all amenities provided. It was nice to know that they weren't being thrown to the Houndooms, figuratively speaking, and there were plenty of things already taken care of by the Professor and a whole bunch of other things. Like the money thing, which Erika hadn't even realized she was never given any money by her parents. But this was nice, it seemed like everything was thought out ahead of time so that Erika and the others could enjoy themselves. It was no wonder that Erika's mother had spoken so highly of her adventure. After the Professor's briefing, Erika thought she had many questions but found herself eagerly wanting to get out there so she merely shook her head. She figured if she had any questions, the Professor was just a call away. That and Erika had been briefed thoroughly by her mother, who provided her plenty of little additional tips here and there. So Erika would probably be alright. As Erika eyed the rest of her colleagues, she noticed that Claire had already began scanning the other trainer's Pokemon, which honestly seemed like a smart move early on. Erika began to move in order to the same but remembered what the Professor had mentioned earlier. Their data could be shared and Claire seemed like she was nice enough to share... That's when the thought dawned on her that she should probably travel with some of them. Even with Sno accompanying her, it was bound to get lonely. Claire would have been nice company as she and Claire had already introduced each other. Erika didn't know about the others outside of Ren, who was an oddity but Erika wasn't prepared to write her off as a travel companion yet. She didn't seem [i]that[/i] bad ... right? Well the mystery of who Erika was going to travel with solved itself as Claire with her Ralts came over, asking Erika to join her along Route 2. Honestly, Erika was thrilled to hear her colleague's offer, her face lighting up with smile. [color=6ecff6]"Yea, okay!"[/color] Was Erika's answer plan and simple. Sno must have understood, or rather, had just felt Ralia's mischievous tap as she quickly turned around to not notice anything. As Claire's words settled in, Erika remembered exactly where Claire was wanting to go. The Infested Woods was aptly named due to the number of Bug Pokemon in that area. [color=6ecff6]"...Uh, yea... Lots of cool.. Bug Pokemon there."[/color] Erika added, sounding a bit hesitant but still trying to sound as enthusiastic as her partner. She hated bugs. Even the Nincada that one boy got was putting Erika on edge. Being raised in Cooldome, she never really had bugs and that was for the better.