[h1] [center] [color=ed1c24]Kilgarrah Of Honor and Scales[/color] [/center] [/h1] [center][img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/f8f6/th/pre/f/2011/264/2/d/the_great_dragon_by_alectorfencer-d4aiu9d.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]God of Honor, Soul of Fire, Herald of Knights, The Dragon King, Father of Dragons.[/i][/center] [h1] [center] [color=39b54a] Domains[/color] [/center] [/h1] [center][i] Dragons, fire, and Knighthood[/i] [/center] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center] [color=ed145b][b]Powers[/b][/color] [/center] [/h1] He embodies the primal aspects of his creations, the dragons. Immense physical capabilities with a massive form that can cause the very land to tremble, an affinity towards fire that makes him unable to burn and use flames as powerful weaponry, and of the such. Being the God of fire, the dragons share such an affinity. His fire is produced from his body directly, and has some control over it. However he can transform into a human form, that while is weaker, can use weaponry and armor. [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/b6/5f/33b65fef141b7dd31737f84e8dda02f8.jpg[/img][/center] He can bless people with temporary surges of might as a warrior's miracle, and can merge his apparition with a chosen hero, granting that hero much of his power and draconic traits. However by merging himself he has become fate-bonded with the chosen hero until the hero dies or retires from his quest. Alternatively his agents are often tasked with certain biddings or chores the Dragon God couldn't manage alone. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [img]http://pre03.deviantart.net/cc36/th/pre/f/2014/244/b/9/the_old_dragon_god_by_jjcanvas-d7xkglc.jpg[/img] Dragons have a wide variety of appearances, and as such Kilgarrah's physical manifestation can change between incarnations, but at his prime he can become what is seen above; A monstrous titan of a Dragon, with the typical 4 legs and pair of wings, though with the size that can dwarf a mountain, firepower that can swallow a continent in flames, and scales that no physical blade could penetrate. His spiritual form is often that of a ghostly dragon, or part of one, that often varies between a serpentine oriental dragon and a hellkite, with white transparent scales. [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQuTDRetjALxUe6Y4R_d5RRPtTZ2SQ0leZavCzrbGonHguBGYET2g[/img] His human form rarely changes, however, often taking the appearance of a 6'0 male with Black, spiky hair, beige skin tone, relatively muscular, and the face of a clean-shaven Germanic warrior. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center] [color=00aeef]Vulnerabilities[/color] [/center] [/h1] Dragons are cold-blooded, with the exception of ice elemental dragons, And Kilgarrah is no exception. His mobility and stamina is weakened significantly by ice-elements and cold temperatures. Dragonsbane can ward him off regardless of his state of form, much like a holy object against a demon. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center] [color=fff200]Creations[/color] [/center] [/h1] Dragons, monsters that were born since he started influencing the world. Dragons have always been a rare creature, but dangerous and aggressive all the same. [hider=Dragon Morphology and classification] All dragons are reptiles, closely related to lizards and snakes (squamatas). Dragons have undefined lifespans, age itself has never claimed the life of a dragon, nor do dragons weaken with age, in fact its quiet the opposite. Every dragon, even those that relate with snowy environments or lack any sort of fire ability, have an innate affiliation with fire, and as such they cannot be burned or damaged by heat. All dragons have some sort of magical or spiritual aura, and their biology reflects much of that energy. not all dragons are intelligent, or capable of speaking. Many act like animals or even lack sentience altogether, while others while sentient are unable to speak or are knowledgeable of a language. Lastly, dragons are often born with at least 1 of the seven sins; greed, wrath, lust, sloth, envy, pride, and gluttony. Not all dragons are evil and there are plenty of dragons that could be considered good or benevolent, however they still suffer from at least one of these sins. Pride, wrath, greed, and gluttony are the most common sins. Dragons have varying traits and forms to the point that almost every dragon is unique. However all dragons can be classified as one of the following: Hellkites (typical six limb dragons, 4 legs and a pair of wings.) [hider=Hellkite Example] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSsVKADSZAr17iha6yI35n0BpgIWiX3j-DjRyp3cGAJNzlPxR178A[/img] [/hider] Drakes (Wingless 4 legged dragons) [hider=Drake example] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/b5/c7/b7/b5c7b77e5245bcd9a5dbfb955885255d.jpg[/img] [/hider] Wyverns (Two legs and two wings) [hider=Wyvern example] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonvale/images/d/de/Wyvern_(1).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120803184253[/img] [/hider] Basilisks (Often resemble lizards or snakes, usually having no more then 4 limbs, and rarely do any have wings. However most basilisks have some form of toxic property such as acidic saliva or a venomous bite, and can turn people to stone by looking into their eyes.) [hider=Basilisk Example] [img]https://princessofdragons.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/breeds-wyrm.jpg[/img] [/hider] Cockatrices (bird-like dragons, often resembling a cross between a basilisk and a Wyvern) [hider=Cockatrice example] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/rollplaywestmarches/images/6/65/Cockatrice.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150210055627[/img] [/hider] Wurms (serpentine dragons, rarely have any limbs, and many vaguely resemble reptiles. Often both gigantic in length and diameter, they are rarely sentient. Some resemble snakes.) [hider=Wurm example] [img]https://syrinscape.com/media/thumbs/product/images/sandworm4.jpg.300x300_q85.jpg[/img] [/hider] Tarragons (Like hellkites but are bipedal, some may have forms that could resemble a dinosaur.) [hider=Tarragon example] [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/b9b3/th/pre/i/2014/329/9/9/carnivorous_dragon_by_dragolisco-d87n7wr.jpg[/img] [/hider] Drakkens/draconians (Dragons with a humanoid posture and build, often ranging between 5'11 to 9'10 in height, they are as varying in appearance as any other dragon, though all drakkens are sentient) [hider=Drakken example] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/b4/d8/c9b4d8b8a43f6a17b0ca37dadcd23ac0.jpg[/img] [/hider] Longs (Asian styled dragons, serpentine and with 4 limbs, though wingless they can usually fly as if they defy gravity. Longs are often the most intelligent of dragons and usually are more involved with spiritual energy then magic.) [hider=Long example] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/powerlisting/images/b/bd/Oriental_dragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20121023141604[/img] [/hider] Drosians (dragons that do not fall under any other category are Drosians.) [hider=Drosian example] [img]https://cdna2.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/953/358/large/yu-chao-cheng-dn-black-dragon-a3-08.jpg?1455080917[/img] [/hider] Elemental, Fae and hydra dragons are mutation-like traits that happen within individuals regardless of type. Elementals often are more magical then biological, for example they may have a shell of ice over a frail naked body, or an armor of lava-flowing stone instead of scales. The weakness of an elemental are the opposing elements, for example fire can weaken the magic significantly of an ice elemental dragon, although dragons cannot burn the heat against those of ice can render them unconscious. Hydras are dragons with multiple heads, some can even regenerate new heads. The number can vary within 2 to a thousand, though it is rare for a hydra to have anymore then 20 heads. The heads of hydras are either each independent heads, or are all one conscience. Fae dragons tend to have butterfly-like wings and generally have fairy-like traits, they also are usually quiet small, they have various magical qualities that can be attributed to fairies as well. [hider=Elemental example] [img]http://i289.photobucket.com/albums/ll230/chaos563/Anima__Earth_Elemental_boss_by_Wen_.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Hydra example] [img]http://sites.psu.edu/mythologicalcreatures/wp-content/uploads/sites/22242/2015/03/g.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Fae example] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/heroes-of-camelot/images/f/f8/Fairy_Dragon_T1-.png/revision/latest?cb=20141013204224[/img] [/hider] [hider=Strengths and weaknesses] Being cold blooded, most dragons are vulnerable against cold conditions and attacks of the sort, with exceptions of dragons that have an affiliation with it. Dragons usually have tough scales that act as natural armor, though their bellies tend to be of soft scutes and scales that are the Achilles heel to their physical defense. Dragons have a hard time of overcoming their sins, affecting their personalities and decision making. Most dragons can regenerate naturally at great rates. They can regrow a loss limb or tail within a few months, large wounds can heal in weeks, however if they are fatally wounded something else must keep them alive in order for them to recover on their own. Some elemental dragons can regenerate certain factors seemingly instantly, and many hydras can also heal most wounds in minutes. While many dragons have access to magic, their breathe weapons are usually from biological factors instead of magic, though many have sortof blended or amplified their breathe attacks with magic. The most common breathe weapon for dragons is fire. While dragons are affiliated with fire, they are not completely immune to it. While they cannot be burned or damaged by heat alone, the force from flames can knock them back with enough force, and elemental dragons that are weak against fire will start to loose conscienceless and magical power against great amount of heat. Most dragons are capable of great strength and speed, attributing to their massive size. Dragons with forked tongues have a great sense of smell like most lizards and snakes. [/hider] [hider=Social] Dragons are considered scourges to both humans and monsters, and even benevolent dragons can be criticized or faulted for crimes of their kin. Dragons vary greatly in power and intelligence, but are generally considered to be one of the strongest scourges to man, next to demons and other monsters aside from the Gods themselves. Most dragons are territorial, often fighting with other dragons for areas both in social constructs or in savage wilds. However some dragons form broods, or clans. A single or pair of dragons often hold authority either by brute force or wisdom over other dragons, and creating family ties within them. As such broodlings tend to resemble closely to the leading dragon. Whelps are dragons that are under 100 years old, and is also used as an insult to dragons. Despite variety dragons are quiet rare both in numbers and interactions with others. Even among monsters dragons tend to keep to themselves or their broods, rarely interacting with other monsters except when they wish to consume them or burn down their society. [/hider] [/hider] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center] [color=662d91]Worshipers, Religion, Culture[/color] [/center] [/h1] Kilgarrah's religion is not a structured one, rather it is for any knight to take upon and seek his favor in exchange for something of knightly status. Most knights, even Knights and paladins that follow different Gods, have respect for the Dragon God. Dragon slayers especially Pray to Kilgarrah to succeed in the quest to slay a dragon. Those that wish to slay or tame a Dragon always seek favor for the Great Dragon God, often providing their service, or give a tribute to the great dragon. Others will look to Kilgarrah to be granted the will power to take on a daring task, or the power to overcome an enemy. Many knights will tribute the Dragon God with dragon slayings, taming a dragon, an honorable duel with another Knight, or sacrificing a great beast or defeated foe in fire to appease Kilgarrah. Their tribute does not go unrewarded, and the warriors that stay true and loyal to Kilgarrah are often renowned as greatest of knights of their time. Kilgarrah's blessing is an honor that any knight would die for. Dragons, at least those sentient, see their creator with mixed views, especially those of pride. Benevolent Dragons especially love their father, but others criticize for him spending to much favor with mortals rather then his own creations. Drakkens, now nearly extinct, worship him as sort of clerics or druids, though some exceptions instead becoming rogue knights that follow only the teachings of their God Kilgarrah. Region or location: Kilgarrah will often present himself spiritually whenever a Knight requests his favor, and should it seem worthy enough for him to even make his presence. Otherwise, he remains overseeing Drake Valley, upon the tallest mountain called King's Peak. [hider=Drake Valley] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/gamelore/images/d/d3/Jund.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140604181223[/img] A land of Dense Jungles, Swamps, and Fire. Volcanic vents and mountains run through the tropical woodlands, with many tropical beasts roaming the lands, however Dragons are the dominant predators. In fact this is the last refuge for the dragons since the apocalypse, as it is extremely rare to see a dragon anywhere else then here, except for your typical villain-sentient-dragon. Even in these lands, however, dragons are sparce. The land was able to survive much of the chaos, as the volcanic vents and other sources of molten rock created enough heat in the region to make up for the loss of sunlight, as well as keeping much of the lower atmosphere clear from the smoke-corrupted air. The land has always been a chaotic epicenter of earthquakes and such, so the unnatural extremities that would occur wasn't too far from the norm of the region compared to elsewhere. [/hider] [h1] [center] [color=f7941d]Personality[/color] [/center] [/h1] Kilgarrah is a herald of noble warriors, finding virtue in Honor and chivalry, he is considered by some to be benevolent. However the God is overly prideful at time, and he can be easily enraged, especially from his sibling Gods. He sees himself at times a warrior, often participating in mortal arenas or challenging mortal knights in disguise of his true origins, for sake of sport. He enjoys fighting, especially in honorable duels. Aside from his human form though, rarely will he use his true power upon the world, as it is far too destructive. The only exceptional situations when he becomes far too enraged to think about such cautions. He covets treasure rather greedily, amassing them at king's peak. Some warriors will offer legendary equipment or vast amounts of gold an an alternative for Kilgarrah's favor. Though he thinks of himself as the mightiest of Gods and the greatest warrior, he respects other mortal warriors, especially those that work to serve him. He is especially fond of those that can overcome his creations, and often selects his heroes from dragon slayers. His mercy however, is limited to only those that deserve honor and respect. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center] [color=00a99d]Opinions [/color] [/center] [/h1] [hider=Nahargu’ul] Nahargu’ul, a sibling that rarely is seen by Kilgarrah, though his disdain of the ocean-faring abomination is all the same. He views his creations inferior to his dragons, especially those that rival the likes of his variety of water dragons. He also secretly covets the treasures the ocean provides, that bars him from accessing their splendor. The taunts he recieves from such an annoyance has lead to several instances of burning temper tantrums. [/hider] [hider=Nahash] Snake are, in Kilgarrah's eyes, inferior creatures to dragons, as does he view lizards. The two weaker creatures that are relatives to the dragon. Though this is not why he has a disdain towards the goddess herself, rather it is her history of exploiting the sins of his loyal knights and greatest dragons that has deserved her the right to his ire. Though such anger melts away when his ego is stroked with words of compliments and praise, and gifts of treasure. [/hider] [hider=Iuppiter ] To Kilgarrah, Iuppiter is a brother. He tends to the sky that dragons roams, nurtures all life, including the dragons, with the warmth of the sun, and more over has sustained the mortal race. His service and good nature are both aspects that the Dragon God respects and admires, one of the few of his kin that he has no negative feelings towards. [/hider] [hider=Dormammus] A god that Kilgarrah views as too weak for the form of a dragon. He sees him as an imperfection, both in part of his pride and the fact of his origin. Though in some regards, he recognizes that his domain is somewhat important, at least to the mortals. [/hider] [hider=Ha] Kilgarrah respects the God of Honor, but cares little for him otherwise. He has no interest in a civilized world or the structures of the society, only the treasures they produce and the warriors they raise. As such, he finds his role important for mutual benefit, but otherwise deals little with him. His artifacts and treasured weapons are something that the dragon covets. [/hider] [hider= Ashevelen] The god of Luck and thieves, Kilgarrah doesn't particularly like her domain, especially pesky thieves that are too cowardly to bother to try and kill the wild dragons. However he has no ill will towards the goddess herself, as he is aware of how one's own kin don't really follow well to their creators, and her polite demeanor is enough to sastisfy the dragon from being enraged. Still, it wouldn't help to perhaps give these thieves so bad luck instead. [/hider] [hider=Kalla] Kalla reminds Kilgarrah of the world mother herself Gaea, if she was a much more simple and carefree child. He feels guilty for plaguing her forests with dragons and respects her method of defense, the colossus. many of the quests of his most connected dragon slayers are sent to keep dragons from the forests she cares so preciously for, and kept Niddhoggr sealed under the world tree as a punishment for his chaos of the wooded world. [/hider] [hider=Asivar] One of the few Gods Kilgarrahs makes it his mission to keep under control on the mortal world by sending his heroes to combat their influence. Asivar's desire for violence conflicts with the Dragon's honor. Though he does admit, he is an excellent hunter. [/hider] [hider=Yigzavath] Insects are vermin easy to burn and diseases are an unhonorable and lackluster way to go. Yigzavath has earned the dragon's most hatred towards. The disease he creates that plagues many of his dragon is horrifying enough. evil has many faces, and one of them is the filth that is Yigzavath. [/hider] [hider=Kulorerstus] While a warrior's death is the climax to an honorable soldier, Kulorerstus, in Kilgarrah's eyes, takes away that honor by installing fear in mortals. Instead of trying to inspire accepting death or honor he uses it to taunt and scare mortals, which Kilgarrah disdains. While he doesn't hate him as much as Yigzavath, he still considers the god of death to be malevolent and untrustworthy. [/hider] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center][color=007236] Tales[/color] [/center] [/h1] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center] The Ten Agents of the Dragon God [/center] [/h1] Dragons sometimes referred to as the primevals, as they are the survivors of the first dragons of Kilgarrah's broods. Primevals are very powerful, even among other dragons, and often have unique mutations. The primevals, unlike the rest of their kin, are loyal to their creator, and are often tasked with his most dire tasks. Such as being a messenger to a hero, or filling the role of a hero in times of dire need. If their power needs to be used, wisdom spread to mortals, or other tasks that Kilgarrah deems necessary, his agents are required to fulfill them, they essentially fill the role as demi-gods. [hider=Smaug, Slayer of witches, Guardian of the Horde] [img]http://pre09.deviantart.net/5905/th/pre/i/2013/135/2/a/dragon_vs_frost_giant_by_just1ce1-d65ca3q.jpg[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4yp9x5mCdLDSfpJMoWiGSL2CQzLaDTZFrHKRrx5SNs-fR5XoonQ[/img] When powerful spellcasters have obtained negative attention from the Dragon God, Smaug is the usual response. A massive hellkite with a powerful breathe and a great resistance to the arcane. Like many dragons his scales are like iron, however they also can resist great deals of sorcery and magic. his flame manipulation is extremely potent, as he can charge up flames within his body to unleash a powerful ray of breathe. In dormancy, Smaug soars around Kings peak, the lair of his master and his treasure horde, and remains as a vigilant guardian. If something would dare approach the mountain lair, they will be confronted by the Dragon, who will ask them of their purpose here. If he doesn't like the answer, then his response will be of maw and fire. [/hider] [hider=Jormungand, The Grand Serpent, Devourer of Oceans] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4e/70/d7/4e70d7d377b52e2c56832e1c5164984f.jpg[/img] [img]http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lii4pjHVoN1qdsqmvo1_500.jpg[/img] The largest Wurm to have slithered on this world, Jormungand is a massive sea wurm, and is the most primitive of the primevals in terms of intelligence. This however, also makes him the most loyal to Kilgarrah. As the Dragon God has but one purpose for him, and that is to destroy. Be it a voyage that has angered the Dragon God, a port town that has angered him, or simply to spite the god of the ocean himself, the Wurm is unleashed to carry out the task of destruction. In dormancy, the Great serpent slithers upon the southern shore of the Drake Valley continent island, it is said that it is so large that its body rests among hundreds of miles of beach sand. Here the beast rests for eternity until something disturbs it or Kilgarrah awakens it for a task. Its last use was to destroy a great Kraken that Nahargu'ul had bragged about, much to taunt the Dragon Lord. The fight ended with a draw and the great serpent returned to slumber its wounds away. [/hider] [hider=Mizuchi, Spirit of Blessed Waters, Guardian of the faithful] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/narutofanon/images/8/81/Water_Dragon_by_JessicaElwood.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/320?cb=20111212162927[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c1/8e/1a/c18e1a06b0d67090e3e0c20a445952a3.jpg[/img] A spiritual oriental Dragon that serves as a benevolent assistant to those that need aid. Mizuchi is often reached about by those that exclusive worship the Dragon Gods for times of great healing, exorcisms, or in times to use her strength directly. She serves as most of the answers to the prayers sent to Kilgarrah, rather then serving Kilgarrah directly she serves the people that worship him. She mostly traverses the world as a spirit, taking form out of nothing but water, but in rare instances she will unleash her true physical form. [/hider] [hider=Niddhoggr, Maw of the Earth, Behemoth of Destruction] [img]http://orig08.deviantart.net/5058/f/2008/133/6/a/great_dragon_by_noxypia.jpg[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/b60fd171aff66881ce9234aef0cc0454/tumblr_ntxrdyRoxS1rb48exo1_1280.png[/img] A dragon that rivals Jormungand's size and primitive mind, Niddhoggr is a powerful dragon bent on nothing more then utter destruction. His purpose is akin to Jormungand, only instead upon land. The Dragon rests under the earth, legend says that it waits in the molten core of the earth, and when it is awakened, it emerges at its destination in a massive earthquake, sending tremors and waves of molten rock around the behemoth as it will lay waste to an entire city without trouble. Its size, just like Jormungand's, is monstrously huge. Fortunately however, the behemoth was sealed under the world tree, domain of Kalla, for its destructive nature when it turned rogue a thousand years ago. With its power and mobility restricted, it tries in vein to gnaw at the roots of the tree in hopes of one day gaining freedom [/hider] [hider=Fafnir, Titan of Honor, Dragon Knight] [img]http://i438.photobucket.com/albums/qq106/Bahamut_Shin/bahamut.jpg[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c9/1d/3f/c91d3fddde888fdafacc53a56177fbc1.jpg[/img] A dragon who embodies the very domain of Knighthood, Fafnir is a 15 meter tall bipedal dragon, with his own suit of armor, and a variety of weaponry. He has a form of magic that he teaches to mortal knights of summoning and unsummon equipment. He is tasked with training heroes, however he often in his spare time spar with mortals, in these times he can shrink his form into a much more human sized threat to accommodate. He enjoys talking with mortals far more then most of his kin, and one could find a sort of jolly light-hearted nature within some conversation. Other tasks include him slaying Dragons that disgrace Kilgarrah, such as Ancalagon, though this quest remains active despite thousands of years worth of effort against this nemesis of the Dragon Knight. [/hider] [hider=Bahamut, Predator of Demons, Divine Purger ] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4d/d5/79/4dd5792216ee89a05ca2906cec5adb58.jpg[/img] [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cogs9YiRUeQ/TlVDXtOqn8I/AAAAAAAAACQ/wNPm6d-reVQ/s1600/Light_Dragon_by_Evelar.jpg [/img] Bahamut dwells outside of the realm, remaining dormant in the gateway between the realms until he is awoken, or if he wishes to simply observe the mortal world of his own will. Perhaps the most wise of the Dragons, and as well as the most Benevolent, aside from Fafnir and Mizuchi. He is a dragon with divine powers, and can create holy fire. His primary task is to exterminate demons and other unholy abominations that have angered Kilgarrah or that attack his most prized followers. His very presence inspires mortals, and his generosity of wisdom has made him rather popular among the mortals. When Kilgarrah was barred thanks to the Silence, Bahamut, Fafnir and Mizuchi made efforts to be messengers to those that remained in service to the Dragon God, and helped stave off chaos from cities that called upon their blessings. Bahamut however, was nearly killed near the end of the silence, when several high ranking demons ambushed him. [/hider] [hider=Typhon, Harbinger of storms, Wyrm of Chaos ] [img]http://www.tradecardsonline.com/img/cards/cardfight-vanguard/dream_cards/12/22/big/HurricaneDragonGodSolvaki.432562.20121222-142119.jpg[/img] [img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/a9bd/f/2010/306/9/1/ryujin_dragon_god_by_genzoman-d320uef.jpg[/img] Typhon is unique in that he is far more intelligence then other dragons of his sub-type. However his intelligence is miniscule compared to the majority of his primeval kin. When he does speak, it is often in fits of rage, as Typhon has obtained his father's short temper and destructive wrath. He has power over wind and lightning, creating storms and clouds in a wrathful path. His purpose is that of vengence, particularly towards other Gods that do his father wrong, however he is rarely active in such tasks, instead he swims the higher atmosphere, sometimes in the void in space, or peacefully levitates in the camouflage of great clouds. Often providing chaotic or calm weather among the Drake Valley landscape, depending upon his mood. He is about half the size of his brother Jormungand, but thrice as intelligent, and it is possible to have a conversation with him. Many followers ask Jormungand for good weather on journeys. [/hider] [hider=Ryujin, Guardian of the sun, Gifted Servant] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/l5r/images/0/04/Celestial_Dragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110831231206[/img] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/a1/39/d5/a139d5ce1775c6f08754851ffd8a32a4.jpg[/img] A dragon that was gifted to Iuppiter, Ryujin is tasked to forever guard the sun, and keep it stable, as well as serving the God of the Sky himself whenever he requests too. The dragon is known for its solar breathe, but rarely does it ever leave the domain of the sun. His spirit is so mighty that it entangles the very sphere of plasma itself. [/hider] [hider=Ancalagon, One who sees all, The Betrayer] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/7c20/i/2012/308/2/5/kalameet_by_tannen97-d5jynng.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Q58tjdcILxM/hqdefault.jpg[/img] The wicked Dragon Ancalagon, once Loyal to Kilgarrah as an oracle, now is the patron to all evil dragons. The primeval has a single eye, that has a powerful psychic nature, and can see the very reaches of the world and beyond. The dragon seeks god status, and to overthrow kilgarrah. Despite the efforts of the other primevals and Kilgarrah himself, none has yet been able to slay the Dragon of Betrayal. [/hider] [hider= Tiamut, The Three Headed Tyrant, Angel Eater] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/dream-world/images/6/66/Ubepyromuth.png/revision/latest?cb=20120401113105[/img] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRJ57qibg9adv75kcls91W80KCNXW2EVKpKIoN-yGdwl3Y3ewCF[/img] Tiamut, the three headed primeval dragon, is tasked with keeping drake valley in check. She soars around the continent in vigilance of unwelcomed intruders. Tiamut is one of less loyal dragons of the agents of Kilgarrah, she has little care for the affairs of mortals and does not share the benevolence many other of the primevals have, and a majority of times she shows a cruel and greedy demeanor. In return for guarding the landscape, she takes her payment by stealing the treasures of both dragons and travellers, so long as she doesn't attack or steal from those loyal or on a good side with the Dragon God, She doesn't offend Kilgarrah. She gets her nickname from a few instances where she has killed and consume angels that tried to defend a group of mortals that the dragon was terrorizing. [/hider] ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [h1] [center][b]Hero[/b] [/center] [/h1] Name: Francis "Jackal" Drake Age: 624. (He is stuck at the age of 21 due to his infusion with dragon's blood.) Race: Draconic-infused human Gender: Male Description: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/e7/2b/62/e72b62abcad0cd0fe221618af5fb3f8d.jpg[/img] A tall man of Caucasian skin, tanned from the ocean sun, with messy brown hair and a slim face, except for a pronounced nose. He has a scar over his left eye, and a few 'mutations' from his draconic infusion. His eyes are crimson red, and constantly give off a faint glow and aura like that of dim candle flames, which are especially noticeable in the dark. His pupils are A bit sharper then most, more so resembling a reptile then that of a mammal. He rather tall, standing 6'02, and has a well fit but slim body. Another unusual trait of his is that he has a small pair of horns, barely visible due to his mass of hair, on top of his head. He also has two sharp fangs in his set of teeth. He typically wears a bandana that covers half of his face to his neck, and a custom suit of light-weight armor made of iron and leather. The left gauntlet has a blade that mostly acts as a 'parry' blade to counter against others in melee combat instead of being directly offensive. On his belt is the crest of a dragon. Personality: He is quiet and straight forward, If he speaks, it is usually either an order or a promise. He is ambitious, and rough to those he becomes close with. Once a plundering thief, he has atoned for a life of justice and honor, as any knight should. He only takes rewards that he earns, and looks down upon thieves and pirates as misguided children. He despises most if not all the gods for their arrogance, yet he can't help but appreciate some of them, such as the very dragon god that saved his life and changed his ways. What keeps him going though, is his desire for exploration and adventure, a dream that he always had since a child, and that never left him even in his near-death experience. He couldn't die happier but to be adventuring. Backstory: Francis was once a human, in his prime of 21 years old, leading a small sort of 'rag-tag' pirates and shaping them into the perhaps the most renowned pirates of the pre-catacylsm era. He was notorious for spiting the gods, especially the god of the sea, for he would always make the claim that men were not bound to the gods, and that a well trained captain could easily make a master of the sea. He was eventually proven wrong when the sea god, not lasting another year of his enraging and heretical boasting, sunk his ship beneath the waves of the deep. While his crew drowned, Kilgarrah had sent Mizuchi, the spirit dragon of blessed waters, to rescue the fallen pirate from the depths, mostly out of spite for his brother of the sea. However he did also admire the captain's pride and ambition. Grateful for being rescued, Francis left behind his life has a pillaging pirate to honor the dragon god that saved him. He seeked out the demi-god Fafnir for his claim of redemption, which Fafnir did not hesitate to teach the Ex-Captain the ways of knighthood, both in combat and in morality. Kilgarrah, unexpectedly surprised of the pirate's change of life, returned honor to Francis in the form of his blessing, by infusing his mortal blood with that of a dragon's. Before the silence came into effect, Fafnir was ordered to train Francis and ready him for the dragon god's eventual return, for there may be goals that he be needed for as Kilgarrah's chosen hero. Since that time, Francis left Fafnir after a decade to train himself and return to a life of the sea, but not as a pirate. He, as well as a small group of knights he befriended and convinced to join him, left to the sea as a travelling group of chivalrous adventurers, [i]The Knights of the Sea[/i], they gave themselves the title, even after his crew died of causes both of natural and of adventurous, Francis remained, waiting for a new crew to take on with him. Motives: While he has attoned, he will always be guilty of his past, yet nevertheless, in addition for the never ending thirst of adventure he seeks to show the gods how strong mortals can be, heroes or not. Equipment: Drake Lance: [img]http://aqwwiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/crimson-knight-s-dragon-lance-1/CrimsonKnight'sDragonLanceN.png[/img] A lance with the firepower of a dragon's breathe, in addition to being a typical magical weapon of high quality, it can create bursts of fire from the blade. The lance is often sheathed over his back. Dragon Slayer: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/61/c9/36/61c93683645a21069f26f722b464fb0c.jpg[/img] A sword that can cut through various tough materials, including weaker swords and most (but not all) of an average dragon's scales, the blade is also very cold to the touch, so much so that contact with the blade can freeze cells or water, and it can extinguish flames. The dragon slayer is kept at his left side, on his hip in its respected scabbard. Trusty True shoot [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8Acqt3mOzERuYJryt82fltLZvhXZ0K9nNDAYodlEjEwLZCm_Esg[/img] A fairly accurate Flintlock pistol that he has been carrying since his days of a pirate, due to bullets being rare and costly, he is very conservative of the weapon. Magic: Being infused with dragon's blood, he cannot age, or be burned by flames. Additionally, his body is incredibly resilient, he can take a great beating, tank great forms of blunt force without breaking a bone, and has tough skin that can crack weak blades, even stronger blades won't cut or stab as deep wounds as it would against normal flesh. He can 'heal' much faster then the average mortal, with wounds that would take a normal human to naturally heal in a month he can heal in only a week. This also makes him much stronger and faster then the average mortal, he can lift up to a ton of weight and can move as fast as a cheetah. His glowing eyes allow him to see in pitch darkness as a bonus, and he has a great sense of smell.