[hider=Mary Smith][center][h1][color=MediumPurple]Mary Louise Smith[/color][/h1] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJZ_3hzt-RXbiyaecVgF6rLhUKbJiO8vp-f6ulmS1eRrsZ0Hhm5BUxFID9[/img][/center] [color=MediumPurple]Gender:[/color] Female [color=MediumPurple]Appearance:[/color] [center][img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSt-L7EdVPclZO69w1Q15LI3GachdJPZciFgvzrsvNRh_n2Nn2GxDfo3KT0UA[/img][/center] Mary stands at the height of 164cm (5'3") accompanied with a slim figure which she maintains through regular exercise and a (usually) healthy diet (not all of us can have an ideal figure naturally). Her clothing style is rather practical. She likes dresses, however, saves them for more formal occasions. Generally she wears denim pants or shorts, all topped off with her converse boots. She refuses to wear anything low cut or shows her stomach. She won't wear short shorts either. [color=MediumPurple]Personality [/color] Mary has always had quite a good-natured down-to-earth personality. She very caring towards other people and wary of their feelings, the last thing she wants to do is hurt someone. She is a cheery young woman and is rarely found without a smile on her face or enthusiasm dripping from her words. She craves adventure, thrills and new things. She's often one trying to convince others to go on that giant rollercoaster with her or to try something new with her, although she'll almost as happily do it alone. Mary will happily participate in activities some may see as childish but does know when she needs to act her age. She strives to have a happy and enjoyable life and wants the same for those she holds dear. Mary is confident in herself and her actions, often to a fault. She sometimes feels she knows what she's doing and can develop a bit of an ego from it. She has trouble asking for help. She hates admitting when she's wrong or when she has made a mistake. She feels asking someone for help will lead to others seeing her as stupid and sometimes can't swallow her pride to face the fact she needs it. When things don't go as she planned or in a positive direction she can get frustrated easily. [color=MediumPurple]Likes: [/color] [list][*] Chocolate ('cus what woman can resist that?) [*] Music of the harder genres [*] Young children [*] Listening/playing music. Mary is a drummer but has quite a nice voice [*] Ocean breeze [*] The smell and sound of rain [*] Tea [/list] [color=MediumPurple]Dislikes:[/color] [list] [*] Most forms of housework (unfortunately it does have to be done) [*] The sound of ceramic item clanging together. [*] Being confined in small spaces [*] Bad drivers [*]Traffic (Mary, admittly, formulates small cases of road rage at times) [*] Bad breath [*] Arrogance [/list] [color=MediumPurple]Hobbies[/color]: ¤ Playing/performing with her band ¤ Socialising ¤ Reading ¤ She often jokes eating is also a hobby of hers [color=MediumPurple]History[/color]: Rachael and Johnathon Smith were overjoyed when they discovered Rachael was carrying not one but two growing girls. The couple had been trying for 6 years for children and both had wanted a large family, perhaps twins were a good omen? Excited and seemingly more in love than ever the married couple prepared possibly too the point of over-preparing for their bundles of joy. Toward the beginning of Rachael's third trimester, however, their pregnancy took a bad turn. Eventually they were told by a collection of specialists that the chances of even one of the babies surviving even to their birth was unlikely and on a couple of cases advised to get an abortion. Although distraught the couple refused to do what seemed like murder to them, particularly to their own children. If these babies were to die it would be naturally, not because they forced it. So on they went, hopeful and fearful of future. Racheal's water broke at 36 weeks and, despite a long labour, the birth went rather smoothly. The couple were even more overjoyed than when they discovered Rachael was pregnant and were more than pleased at the arrival of their identical twin girls. One was larger and completely healthy while the other, although slightly smaller and a bit sickly, was rather healthy. The couple had 6 weeks with the young girls under the advice of watching the smaller one before things turned for the worse for their 'healthier' child. Eventually there was nothing they could do and she died of unknown causes leaving the smaller child. Deep in grieving the couple promised to make the best life for little Mary as they could in the other baby's honour. Growing up Mary's life was actually quite ordinary. Her parents took good care of her and she grew to be a healthy young woman even if smaller than average. She surrounded herself with as many friends as possible and attempted to avoid drama. She didn't particularly belong to a clique but floated between quite a few[/hider]