[center][h1][b][i][color=468746]Luke Teth[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m46nvkWI6e1qaq0qf.gif[/img][hr][b][color=468746]Location:[/color][/b]Main Hold -> The Bridge[hr][/center] [b][color=468746]"Somebody's gotta do a job on this ship, Sutton - can't all just be swash-buckling space adventurers."[/color][/b] He'd grin, throwing a smug wink in her direction as he watched her moved off toward the bridge to get settled. Turning over to the Senator, he smirked at her comment, shrugging his shoulders. [b][color=468746]"Gamblin's always worked in the past, colour me surprised it didn't work out perfectly this time."[/color][/b] He grinned, shrugging his shoulders as he stood there. [b][color=468746]"Though maybe in future i'll consider [i]buying[/i] the parts."[/color][/b] Glancing about, Luke watched as people moved about between the medbay and the engine room, shifting away from the Senator with a nod to head up to the bridge, taking his seat after giving Sutton a slight nudge with his elbow. Settling down, he cleared his throat as he began the take-off sequence, bringing up the entry ramp as he reached up to activate the PA. [b][color=468746]"This is the Captain speaking, I hope no one left anything outside, because we're leavin'."[/color][/b] Ineloquent, but it got the point across as he lifted the ship up off the ground. Luke was a reasonable enough pilot, he'd flown by himself for a long while without Stehrr, and he could handle a simple take-off by himself. Starting up the thrust, he edged the ship upward slowly, taking only a short while of the ship rocking somewhat to get up and through the atmosphere, piercing through and out into the blackness of space. Shifting part the few lanes of ships coming down to Dantooine, he began to pilot the ship clear of Dantooine itself, it would be a short while before they were ready to make a jump to hyperspace, but before long they'd be on their way to Tatooine. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=E46067]Kordath Targon[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://metrouk2.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/colinfirth1.gif?w=620&h=348&crop=1[/img][hr][b][color=E46067]Location:[/color][/b]The Vindicator[hr][/center] [color=E46067][b]"Oh worry not, dearest Commodore, the Rebels could never conjure up one such as me, they'd lack my charms."[/b][/color] He commented with a hearty chuckle, positively narcissistic as always. He stuck close behind her as always, content as her shadow as always, listening intently as the Commodore spoke to Shira, listening as she was provided with her orders. He chuckled at the Commodore's careful wording, and as he looked toward her he was unsurprised to see Jesmand's gaze directed back toward him. [color=E46067][b]"My work is a kind of investigation, Commodore."[/b][/color] He commented in a more amused manner than anything. Eyes shifting up to the man hanging from the platform, Kordath could not help but let out a chuckle, finally taking a step back and away from the Commodore to find his dearest Jaina. Finding her, even on a ship of this size, was not a particularly difficult endeavour, she stuck out like a sore thumb, between her actions and happy demeanour, one could tell where Jaina was miles away. Beginning to move behind her as she wandered about, he kept his grin as she moved out onto the bridge, watching her closely as she spoke up to acknowledge him. [color=E46067][b]"Oh my dear, i'm sure he saw many wonderful things."[/b][/color] He chuckled as she hopped up onto the metal bar and began to hang down, watching as she dangled there and chuckling as she pretended to be choking. There was something he adored about Jaina's happy demeanor, she was always so cheerful, and well, insane. As she swung back up onto the bridge, he clapped happily, laughing as she ran over and hugged him, wrapping his arms back around her firmly and giving her a squeeze. [color=E46067][b]"Oh no, I couldn't, i'm just an old man my dear..."[/b][/color] He'd let go of her, approaching the bar. Rather suddenly then, he'd hop up onto the railing, leaning forward as he'd hold his arm out, getting a firm grip on one of the lower rails as his body slipped off the rail itself, swinging down and under as he flung himself over to the other side, chuckling as he hauled himself up over the other side and flipped onto his feet in a similar fashion, dusting off his uniform. He may have been a little older, but he was spry as always.