Megan nodded. Haas was right, even with all this weird stuff happening. Speaking of weird stuff some sort of tremor that felt like an earthquake ran through the building and Megna briefly considered running for cover, but it seemed no one else had noticed. Weird stuff. Megan noticed the Brooklyn girl for the first time and she didn't really like what she noticed. She looked and talked like an airhead who cared about her looks and knew she was pretty. Exactly the kind of girl Megan disliked immensely. Whatever, not like they would be forced to work together or anything. [color=red]"Haas is right. All this weird stuff and the school's just brushed off anyone who asks about it and they aren't doing anything. At the very least we shouldn't travel alone that way no one gets ganged up on between classes or something like whatever happened with the most recent incident."[/color] Megan said confidently, traveling in groups wouldn't hurt at the very least. [color=red]"If we need to sneak into somewhere I can be a distraction so Maisy can snoop around, I bet I'm faster than any of those Light Dorm students at least."[/color] Megan offered, willing to take what she viewed as a minimal risk if necessary.