[quote=@Theodorable] [hider=NATION ROLL] [b]POPULATION[/b]: 19,000,000 (+100,000/Season) [b]STABILITY[/b]: 56% [b]MINING INDUSTRY:[/b] -- Mining Industry Company 1 [2] -- Mining Industry Company 2 [6] [b]ARMS INDUSTRY:[/b] -- Arms Industry Company 1 [1] -- Arms Industry Company 2 [1] SHIPPING INDUSTRY: -- Shipping Industry Company 1 [2] LUXURY INDUSTRY: -- Luxury Industry Company 1 [1] GDP: [MINING + ARMS + SHIPPING + LUXURY + POPULATION / 2] = $16,500,000,000. STANDING ARMY: 300,000 Soldiers | 180,000 Rifles | 80 Cannon RESERVISTS: 100,000 Reservists | 70,000 Rifles NAVY: 1 DN | 5 Coastal BB | 26 DD | 14 CL | 4 CA | 30 SS AIR FORCE: 0 Scouts | 0 Reconnaissance | 0 AA Batteries COLONIES: 1 [[i]Faresian Colony[/i]][/hider] [/quote] Thank you. I have a question: you mentioned that this roleplay is Euro-centric. Would an Egyptian/Arab-esque nation in the south be acceptable?