[CENTER][hr][hr][url=http://fontmeme.com/comic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Mavericks&name=kidkosmici.ttf&size=18&style_color=6E7FFF[/img][/url] [url=http://fontmeme.com/futuristic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Neo-Genesis&name=Racer.ttf&size=36&style_color=F72E2E[/img][/url] [hr][hr][SUP][B][color=silver]| GMs: [URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/stein][i][color=slategray]Stein[/color][/i][/url] | Deputy GMs: [i][color=slategray]RuPaulGlamazon[/color]| [/i] | Genre: [i][color=slategray]Fandom, Superhuman, Modern Fantasy[/color][/i] | Type: [i][color=slategray]Flash Story, Linear with Sandbox Elements[/color][/i] |[/color][/B][/SUP][/CENTER] [center][sub][i]Disclaimer: This is set in a Universe primarily created by [@Lord Wraith], that I've held a consistent and heavy hand in editing, adding, etc information. This particular storyline and aspect of the universe has been given to me by Wraith to continue the story and expound on this particular portion of the universe.[/i][/sub][/center] [INDENT][I]It has been over thirty years since the city of Larissa has seen its saviors, the Mavericks. Near the end of the Great Depression, hope and hunger fueled much of the American population. An ambitious man by the name of Roman Locke left New York City and headed North with a few loyal men. He hungered for a life beyond his old dreams in this New America. Fortune, power, respect. But most of all: legacy. Seeing the city of Larissa as a diamond in the rough, Locke began his criminal crusade and over the next fifty years, building a nearly unstoppable empire. By the 1980's, Locke had nearly every politician and law enforcement agency in his back pocket reducing the city to a hive of scum and villainy. With numerous gangs under his thumb, the streets of Larissa had become anything but safe for its people. But over time, that pressure of his thumb produced it's own diamond in the roughness of the streets of Larissa. One fateful night gave it time to shine and thus, the Mavericks were born. Hailed as the world's first superheroes, the Mavericks were brought together by an individual under the alias of IllAdvised. Standing with him were Angel: a displaced alien from a race of warriors, Feral: the man housing the power of the jungle, and Vanguard: touted as the Immovable Shield of the team. Uniting their gifts together, the four became an unstoppable force fighting back against the corruption that had attached itself to Larissa's core. Originally picking off the smaller gangs, the Mavericks caught Locke's attention who in return assembled his own team of individuals with unique gifts. Caught off guard, the Mavericks were ambushed in their own base of operations. Angel was brainwashed and turned against his team, nearly killing IllAdvised in the process. However the ragtag group of heroes triumphed in the end and turned their crosshairs on Locke himself. After nearly a year of long drawn out guerrilla warfare, the Mavericks made a full frontal assualt on Locke's headquarters. Fighting through paid off officers, enhanced mercenaries and their rivals the four eventually made it to Locke and dethroned the self proclaimed God King of Larissa. With the head of the snake severed, the body ceased to move and Locke's empire that he had built over nearly fifty years began to crumble. Ambitious types scrambled to claim pieces of their own but the Maverick's actions had inspired others to rise up and the four gained powerful new allies. But unfortunately not everyone understood the Mavericks' message and their were those who took the law into their own hands as judge, jury and executioner. Others still saw it as a challenge and made the journey to Larissa solely for a chance at fighting the so-called saviors. With all the escalation, Larissa's law enforcement were forced to carry weapons capable of downing these vigilantes and supers. While the Mavericks and police worked together at first, eventually the Mavericks found themselves in the crosshair as the city opted for a zero tolerance police. Making the call to disband, IllAdvised thought it would be best to break the team up and the Mavericks decided to go their separate ways. Still, in their absence the legend grew stronger and the city began to flourish as the tale of the Mavericks spread across the country. Comics, television series and even Hollywood blockbusters starring the Mavericks filled shelves and screens across the globe as tourism in Larissa hit an all time high. Local billionaire Charles Micheals invested in Larissa's industry growing jobs and came to build one of the U.S.'s first Nuclear Fusion power plants. The city's population grew and eventually Larissa absorbed several surrounding communities including the town of Kilbride, the island fishing community of New Alexandria and neighboring city of New Lilith. These communities make up the thriving Greater Larissa Area and many of its residents commute to Larissa proper on a daily basis. It's been nearly thirty years since the Mavericks disappeared. While the police still receive near weekly calls reporting local sightings, the vigilantes have not been heard or seen from in years. But perhaps now is a time for a re-emergence. Crime is on the rise in Larissa, and the city has been recently been left in the dark. Not even twenty-four hours ago, an explosion rocked the Larissa Nuclear Power Facility. Unbeknownst to the general public, this explosion emitted a power electromagnetic wave not unlike a coronal mass ejection. Knocking out the city's power grid, emergency services have been whipped into a frenzy. But the lasting effects of this event have yet to be truly felt as a new generation of superpowered crime is just around the corner. The localized CME energizing the cells of several people across the city with superhuman abilities.[/I][/INDENT] [hr][hr][INDENT][center][url=http://fontmeme.com/comic-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=The%20Greater%20Larissa%20Area&name=kidkosmici.ttf&size=14&style_color=6E7FFF[/img][/url][/center][/INDENT][hr][hr][INDENT][center][color=silver][B]LARISSA - NEW HAMPSHIRE[/B][/color][/center][/INDENT] [INDENT]A large metropolitan center, the Greater Larissa Area is made up of the city of Larissa as well as several smaller communities of Kilbride, New Alexandria and New Lilith. A diverse city, Larissa is home to numerous ethnicities and cultures which extend from its long history. The city’s crime rates peaked in the 1980's before the Mavericks toppled Roman Locke's criminal empire. While crime rates have run lower since the late 80's they have been on a steady increase over the past five years. Larissa experiences a humid continental climate, with warm, humid summers, cold, wet winters, and uniform precipitation all year. The climate of the southeastern portion of the GLA is moderated by the Atlantic Ocean and averages relatively milder and wetter weather, while the northern and interior portions experience cooler temperatures and lower humidity. Winters are cold and snowy and especially severe in the northern and mountainous areas of the GLA. Average annual snowfall ranges from 60 inches (150 cm) to over 100 inches (250 cm) across the city. Average daytime highs are in the mid 70s°F to low 80s°F (around 24–28 °C) in July, with overnight lows in the mid 50s°F to low 60s°F (13–15 °C). January temperatures range from an average high of 34 °F (1 °C) on the coast to overnight lows below 0 °F (−18 °C) in the far north and at high elevations. Average annual precipitation statewide is roughly 40 inches (100 cm) with some variation occurring in the White Mountains due to differences in elevation and annual snowfall. Extreme snow is often associated with a nor'easter and lighter snowfalls of several inches occur frequently throughout winter, often associated with an Alberta Clipper. Larissa, on occasion, is affected by hurricanes and tropical storms although by the time they reach the state of New Hampshire they are often extratropical, with most storms striking the southern New England coastline and moving inland or passing by offshore in the Gulf of Maine. The Greater Larissa Area averages fewer than 20 days of thunderstorms per year and an average of two tornadoes occur annually statewide.[/INDENT] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][I][B]DISTRICTS:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ CITY DIONYSIA (A.K.A. Downtown):[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Situated in the heart of the city, the City Dionysia district is one of the oldest parts of Larissa but also one of the most constantly updated. A great deal of money is poured into the district every year to keep it looking fresh and welcoming to tourists. Every autumn, the district holds a Dionysia Wine Festival which attracts thousands of vistors. As such most of the winter months are spent repairing and maintaining the downtown for when tourist season comes again. Many different fine dining establishments line the streets of the City Dionysia, almost all of which serve local wines. The majority of these establishments serve Greek cusine or a Greek inspired menu but it is possible to simply find a good steak.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ ROSSEAU SQUARE (A.K.A. City Hall):[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT] At the heart of City Dionysia lies Rousseau Square which houses the City Hall. One of the smallest districts in Larissa, it caters to the functioning of the city, housing the local government, main police headquarters and courthouses.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ MOUNT NYSA (A.K.A. Wine Country):[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]The Mount Nysa region lies to the Northern edge of the city. Despite being slightly elevated compared to the rest of the city, it's still however only a mountain in name only. This area is covered in vineyards and is known for being the city's wine country. Millions of bottles of Dionysia wine is produced in Mount Nysa every year with a majority of it staying local for the Dionysia Wine Festival. A fairly large expanse, nearly all of Larissa's agriculture can be found here including the tobacco industry and its plantations.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ OVERTOWN:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Sitting due South of Mount Nysa and North of City Dionysia, the Overtown district is home to several technology and research facilities in its southern edge before transition into middle class housing towards the Northern edge. Housing prices tend to soar along the Western edge as it boarders the Olympus district. There are even a few military technolocial facilities interspersed throughout some of the abandoned blocks of buildings.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ OLYMPUS:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]The wealthiest neighborhood in all of Larissa, the Olympus District sits directly west of the City Dionysia and runs North alongside Overtown ending at the foothills of the Mount Nysa district.The southernmost portion of the Olympus District houses numerous financial institutions and banks, most notably the Larissa City Bank.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ THE SOUND:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Originally part of the Wharf District, around ten years back, the Sound was created by a young philanthropist looking to expand the South Beach district and introduce more housing for college students. As such many of the older buildings were torn down and new apartments and condominiums were put in their place. Many restaurants and upscale clubs have sprung up in the area over the past decade catering specifically to the young college crowd.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ THE WHARF (A.K.A. The Harbour District):[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Sitting both east of the Sound and the South Beach. The Wharf is home to Larissa's Shipping and Receving as well as both commercial and private docking. Numerous cruise ships, freighters and private vessels come in and out of the docks each day. The Wharf has notably been home to the Harbour Kings gang over the years. The Kings have been busted for human trafficking through the harbour on more than one occasion. Although smaller in numbers than they were in the 80's, the Kings are still around today.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ SOMERSET (A.K.A. Upper East Side):[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Sitting directly above the Lower East Side, Somerset --the "Upper East Side"-- was home to Roman Locke's criminal empire. Holding a slight European feel from the design, many fine eateries line its streets, hiding backroom deals and white collar crime. Somserset is riddled with grand skyscrapers towering over the streets below that run a majority of the the city's finances and utilities. Somerset is also home to the headquarters of Michaels' Innovations.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ LITTLE SANTIAGO (A.K.A. Lil'Santia):[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Sitting to the west of the Wharf, Little Santiago is a smaller district with a distinct Caribbean flair. There's a notable Spanish influence, mostly apparent in the districts distinct housing style. Many cultural events are celebrated in the streets of Little Santiago and live music can also be heard down every block as the smells of the Carribbean waft through the air.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ LOWER EAST SIDE:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Originally, the Lower East Side was the roughest side of town during the time of the Mavericks. Sitting to the East of the the Sound and the Wharf, it was a crime ridden district filled with petty theft, drug dealers, pimps and prostitutes. Unfortunately many low income families ended up living in this area due to the cheap and forced housing. During the late 80's, the Lower East Side was bought by Michaels' Engineering and eventually became the site of the first Nuclear Fusion Power Facility. The area is still home to numerous individuals, however with the residential area being fully renovated into modern townhouses. Due to the proximity to the Sound, many students end up living in the Lower East Side, those who flunk out often end up working in various positions at the Michaels Nuclear Power Plant.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ SOUTH BEACH:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Directly south of the Sound is the South Beach. Upper end high rises and condominiums dot the horizon of the South Beach leading out to sandy white beaches on the edge of the city's southern seaboard.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ EAST BEACH:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Sitting directly below the Olympus District and due East of the Somerset district, the East Beach is home to numerous hotels and condominiums overlooking the Eastern seaboard. Much of the real estate in this district is own was owned by Roman Locke up until the 1980's. However in the late 90's these properties were repossessed by the city and later sold to the Lillis Foundation who converted them into an affordable housing project.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ THE MILK DISTRICT:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Once home to the city's milk bottling factory, the Milk District has become known as something of a 'hipster' district with old factories converted into clubs and dive-bar concert halls. A common alternative for students and young people to the Sound, the Milk District offers a completely different feel much more down to earth. Due to it's slight distance from the rest of the city and the old bottling factory, it serves as an ideal location for music festivals for Alternative and Indie artists. At the Western edge of the district lays the city's manufacturing buildings which produce textiles, chemicals, electrical equipment, and pulp and paper products for national distribution.​[/INDENT][/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]THE GREATER LARISSA CITIES[/B][/COLOR] [INDENT][COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ KILBRIDE:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]Affectionately referred to as the ‘City of Hephaestus’, Kilbride is known for its factories and the heavy layer of smoke, smog and steam that tends to hang over the city’s northern edges. The factories run all year round, keeping industry alive and well in the Greater Larissa Area. In its oldest and richest region, Kilbride sports a distinct Edwardian architectural style, a style that contrasts with New Lilith’s Gothic stonework and Larissa's modern style. This style is the city’s dominant look although other architectural styles persist. Kilbride is built like the rings of a great oak tree with the buildings towards the old mines being among the oldest in the city and then slowly becoming newer as they expand towards the other two urban centers. The styles of the 80’s, 70’s and 60’s are all well alive through the poorer rings. Old subway tunnels run beneath the city constructed in the long abandoned mines. These tunnels are reinforced with steel and brick while leaking steam pipes and power lines run along the ceiling beneath the busy roads above. These steam pipes used to provide heat and power to a majority of the city but now lay abandoned venting half-heartedly into the city adding to the constant smog hovering over the district and an ominous hiss in the quiet of the night.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ NEW ALEXANDRIA:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]A small fishing community sitting built on an island across the bay from Larissa Main. New Alexandria is remote and often forgotten about as demonstrated by the abandoned Rhodes lighthouse which sits on the edge of the island district run down and ignored since the end of the Cold War. For this reason, the island community is almost rustic in nature compared to the rest of the thriving city of Larissa. Most of the islanders keep to themselves but in recent years a bridge has been constructed from the city proper to the island so that people don't need to rely on a ferry to travel to and from New Alexandria. This bridge is something of a sore spot to older generation of islanders as it brought the hustle and bustle of the city to the island along with a secondary campus for the Grimm University of Nature and Science. At times New Alexandria is referred to as Paradise on the Water. Despite its rustic appearance, the island has homes which range from six figures to nearly eight especially with the newer builds around the Grimm Campus. These homes range from the ultimate beach houses to quaint little cottages.[/INDENT] [COLOR=SILVER][I][B]■ NEW LILITH:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]The city of New Lilith is named after a small European settlement by the name of Lilith. The first Lilith was originally a small castle town that was home to a cult of extremists somewhere in Eastern Europe. This cult was most active between the 12th and 16th century. However they were driven from their home during the crusades. The leaders of the cult were pushed into hiding for the next few centuries and eventually the current leaders stole away on a ship to the New World. They founded the settlement of New Lilith along the Eastern Coast in a valley located in the shadow of the Appalachian Mountains. This would later become part of the State of New Hampshire. As the cult became more well known amongst the natives there, the valley became known as the She-Devil Valley, specifically due to the Cult's tendency to worship the demon Lilith and bring sacrifice to her. Over time however the cult began to die out and as the population became a mix of Native, English and French, the Cult of Lilith was forgotten about and the settlement of New Lilith continued to grow. The architecture of the city is primarily gothic influenced to mimic the historical aspect of the city and at one time was an attempt to bring tourists to the city. Due to the location of the city, it's prone to heavy layers of fog as well as the sun seemingly setting early. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the mountains block the sun as it passes overhead thus after the sun reaches its peak in the sky it seems to set as it fades to the west behind the mountains. This allows the fog off the sea to hang about the city much longer. Thus granting the illusion of darkness and the perfect shroud for criminals to act in. Aside from by sea or air, there is really one one main highway into New Lilith, though there are several mountain roads that lead away from the city. The city is also prone to rain as it's primary weather condition due to the high amount of humidity in the air due to the sea and fog. Sunny days are a rarity, weeks of sun even more bizarre. The city has in the past been trashed by large tidal waves, and some of the dock areas flooded. There are now measures in place to ensure this is at least mostly prevented. New Lilith's primary export at one time had been the fisheries, but this has slowed down in modern times. Now the city is funded by the sale of nuclear power coming from a Michaels' Nuclear Facility placed on the outskirts of the city.[/INDENT][/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][I][B]STATISTICAL INFORMATION:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [hider] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][I][B]POPULATION:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]City: 339, 298 Urban: 5,164,739 Metro: 5,251,647​[/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][I][B]AREA:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]City: 51.73 sq mi Land: 35.89 sq mi Water: 40.36 sq mi Urban: 1,115.65 sq mi Metro: 6,047.52 sq mi​[/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][I][B]DEMOGRAPHICS:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [INDENT]57.5% White (53.3% non-Hispanic white) 29.3% Black or African American 4.3% Asian American (1.2% Indian, 0.8% Chinese, 0.7% Vietnamese, 0.5% Korean, 0.4% Filipino, 0.1% Pakistani, 0.1% Japanese) 2.6% two or more races 1.4% some other race 0.5% Native American <0.1% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander​[/INDENT] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][I][B]INDUSTRY:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [Indent]Agriculture (Predominately Wine and Tobacco) Manufacturing (Textiles, Chemicals, Electrical Equipment, Pulp and Paper Products) Finance (Banking and Finance Industry) Technology (Information and Biotechnology, Software Engineering) Research (Research and Development, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Nanotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Genetics and others) Tourism (Dionysia Wine Festival, the Mavericks)​[/INDENT][/hider] [hr] [hr] [center][h3]-Coming Soon-[/h3][/center]