[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmU2NzAwYS5RV0pwWjJGcGJDQk1iM2RsLjAA/niagra-faults.regular.png[/img] Abigail was too busy trying to get Winston to stand up to notice the guy talking to Jacques, so she was completely unprepared for the Rhyperior's sudden appearance. This was punctuated by a noise halfway between a shriek and a whimper as she jumped halfway out of her skin and copied her starter's technique of falling flat on the lab floor. [color=f7941d]Where did that... Like how... What?[/color] It took a second of looking around from her place on the ground before her gaze landed on Jacques, who looked really proud of the massive rock pokemon that had just scared her half to death. She knew it was a Rhyperior, of course, once she'd started paying attention. Saw them on plenty of shows and stuff, mostly because they were so... well, big. It was really, really big. She was distracted by a soft bump to her leg, and a smiling face looking at her, oblivious to the massive pokemon behind him. [color=00aeef]"...woooooooop."[/color] she glared at her pokemon playfully, poking him. [color=f7941d]"Oh, now you decide to get up, huh? You're not the quickest, huh?"[/color] Standing up straight, she took a moment to admire the Rhyperior. It was pretty impressive, that was for sure. Definitely the kind of pokemon you'd expect from an elite four member. She looked down at Winston. Yeah, someday she was gonna train him to be so strong he could beat up a Rhyperior. Ten Rhyperiors. One hundred- Actually, ten seemed high enough. She'd settle for ten. Heroes had to have mercy on their enemies anyway, right? Something about always being the good guy and everything. The professor spent some time telling everyone some vital stuff about their journey, to which Abigail listened intently while Winston stared off into the distance at something that he no doubt thought was incredibly important. She was happy to hear that she'd get money, though, and took a moment to appreciate the yellow trainer card inserted into her Pokedex. It was good to know this kind of basic stuff and get a refresher, even if all her time learning about trainers and stuff had kind of prepared her for it. Once the professor was done talking, Abigail took a moment to think about which way she'd travel. There was some pretty cool stuff both ways, but she figured she'd probably go down Route 1. That was how you were supposed to start a journey anyway! No-one started counting at two, right? Unless she'd been lied to her whole life, which seemed like a really stupid conspiracy. She looked down at Winston, who was nuzzling into her leg, looking happy. Or at least she thought he looked happy. It was really hard to tell since he was always smiling. But this one seemed like an especially smiley smile, or something. [color=f7941d]"You're as ready for this as I am, huh? Once we get out of here, it's straight down Route 1 for us, Winston!"[/color] she laughed. [hr] [hider=POKEMON]WINSTON [img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/b/b0/Spr_6x_194_m.png[/img] Wooper (♂) Level: 5 Moves:[list][*] [color=darkturquoise]Water Gun[/color] [*]Tail Whip [*][color=Peru]Mud Sport[/color][/list] Ability: Water Absorb (Healed by water-type moves) Held Item: N/A [/hider] [hider=BAG]Items:[list][*] 1x Potion [*]Pokedex[/list] Pokédollars: 500p[/hider]