He had been waiting for this day. This was the day that would give meaning to his life. Finally, he'd meet his comrades, his commanding officer, and his campaign against the enemy would begin. Gene flew his M-09 towards the Air Base within viewing distance, then stopped. He hadn't been cleared to land yet. It was important protocol was observed, so he established connection with the Air Base's Control and spoke. "Courier Field Air Base Control, this is 20002 transferring from the United States of Norn. Requesting permission to land." Gene kept his response within protocol yet Kurt. Small talk with Control was inadvisable as most likely they would have to clear Gene's other comrades for landing as well. It would've been irresponsible to hold up workflow. Efficiency in the military was key, and observing protocol taught soldiers much needed discipline. Gene waited patiently but anxiously for the response, knowing it would come in just a moment. "Roger that 20002, you are cleared for landing." The response was equally Kurt. "Understood." Gene replied. Gene set down his M-09 and exited the mech. "Soldier, your briefing will begin soon, however entering early is not unadvised. The briefing room is that way." One of the base staff came to greet him. pointing out the way to the briefing room. Gene saluted. "Understood. May I request for a drink of water? my throat is parched." Gene said, saluting. "Request granted, soldier." the staff member handed over a bottle of water. Gene took it, opened it, and took one long, controlled sip. Gene handed it back and the staff member saluted, and then left. Gene immediately made his way towards the briefing room, opening the door and entering inside. He walked inside and spotted a single man with two soldiers by his side. Gene assumed this man was his commanding officer and he formed a salute. "Sir! ID number 20002, Callsign Wolf, real name Gene, reporting for duty!"