I'm leaning on the side of no, unfortunately. Hear my logic. I'm not at all familiar with Silent Hill, but Daemons aren't simply...beaten. That's not a fight that any human, mortal resolve could hold. That's some pretty terrifying levels of psychic willpower to keep something like that in check. In Dark Heresy, you let a Daemon in and that's fucking it. Do not pass go, do not collect anything. What's MORE likely is that it's a Psyker who hasn't had the rift opened. An unsanctioned, untrained person with a mind that's constantly under threat of being invaded. When you open yourself and try and use your Psyker Powers, it could be real bad, but you don't have that gateway open. A tortured Psyker who knows that using their powers could open a rift to the world and allow a Daemon to posses them sounds like a lot of fun though.