[@CrystalApple] First off - if you could use the CS outline and formatting that has been provided, that would be great; Skills shouldn't be on there, and you're missing the Appearance slot. Secondly - after conferring with my GMs, who agree with me - there are issues with your Powers and Fatal Flaw. To start, your second power "Social Singularity" will not be accepted, under the grounds that it's too Godmod-y. There's a difference in making oneself seem appealing to other people, and actually making the other people like your character; the latter is godmodding. As a whole, not every character will find the same sort of personality endearing. As for the rest of your powers, the last one is okay, but all in all, they're only very vaguely connected to Apollo. The powers must be connected to the abilities of Apollo; Apollo was not known for understanding culture, or being extremely desirable. While he does have a lot of realms for his divinity, he was most well known for music, healing, Oracles and the Sun. While he's certainly not limited to those four, we do need to see clearly that he is Apollo's son via his powers. As for your fatal flaw, it isn't particularly life-threatening. It's in the name - all the old heroes had one that brought about their inevitable doom; Hubris, Love; a heel. Wanderlust is not so fatal to oneself.