[@Heyitsjiwon]Accepted! Incredible profile, he's got a lot to offer the Guild and I can't wait to see how he fairs in the rp c: [@Legion02]You have an extra point in your stats! Once thats fixed, he's accepted. Quick note though- your basic weapon is pretty powerful. You can keep it, so long as you're okay with receiving a much simpler and weaker weapon along with your Guardian Beast. [hider=Also about the Honor system] - your starting Charisma doesn't have a major impact on how the world treats your character. Everyone starts off with Neutral honor, so the world acts generally the same toward everyone. Charisma only determines how readily a social interaction with an NPC will go in your favor. For example The Baker is a gruff, stout fellow- very terse in his mannerisms and overall a pretty rude guy. Lute wants to buy bread from him and she asks for some. The Baker grumbles and gives her some bread. She thanks him, smiles, and is on her way. He's like "gee thats sweet" and will probably be kinder toward her in the future. Heck, he'll probably even share some info with her next time around. (I've been toying around with the idea that the players can build minor friendships with NPCs and from them they can get perks like: info that'll help on missions, items etc etc). Now Allisander wants some bread! What does he do? He heads on over to the Baker. They trade hands, coin for loaf. Now Allisander may thank him, but the Bakers kindness toward him probably won't change. (NOW this is only at first. Lets say Allisander returns to the bakery, but now has 10 Honor.) Allisander enters the bakery and the Baker looks up, recognizes him and smiles, "Ah! You're from the Guild, right? Here to pick up some bread I see." And he'll give Allisander his bread, mention his appreciation for the guild, and give him some advice/info maybe. Tl;dr Honor, in the long run, trumps Charisma. I hope that didn't confuse anyone further lol [/hider]