So now that I’m giving out powers, allow me to explain [i]how[/i] I’m choosing. Your characters are getting powers that they will have difficulty with for one reason or another. Possibly even powers that they will actually hate. With each power write up, I’m also giving the reason that I chose it. So enjoy, and I’m sorry(you’ll all have your chance for revenge when you get to choose mine). So now that you know, and now that you see my character, feel free to start discussing her power amongst yourselves. It will be decided by vote, but how you discuss it will be up to you. I'm stepping back and allowing you all free reign about it. This is also why I copy/pasted an old character. So I wouldn't try to manipulate what power you would give me. ~~~ [@malmshodes] What’s anime philosophy?(JK). James Martin’s power is as such. Genetic recompilation. He can transform his body to take on traits(or, with great effort, the entire form) of other living animals. He can use a snake’s genes to simply add venomous fangs to his normal body, or a cat could give him retractable claws. He cannot add or remove mass to his body, so any and all changes he makes will still use his own weight and proportions. For instance, if he transformed wholesale into a honey badger, it would be a 225 lb honey badger. The same would go if he tried to become a moose, or a blue whale. He would simply be a larger or smaller version of whatever creature he attempted. The greater the physical change, the more effort it costs him to make it. Transformation is painful and takes time, and so partial transforms are usually more practical. For instance, he could not grow wings, because that would simply add too much mass to his body. But he could transform his arms into wings. The Catch: He has to consume the creature whose traits he wishes to adopt. It has to be raw, and reasonable fresh. When he consumes, he makes a conscious choice about traits he wants to take from it. The more he wants, the more he has to eat. Early presentation: An overwhelming urge to eat raw meat, as well as a strange consciousness of the mechanics and architecture of other living things. ((Reasoning: It messes with his vegetarian morals and love of animals. How will he cope with the sacrifice of his morals in exchange for power?)) ~~~ [@mskennedy615] Kierra miller has the following power: Time DeSync: Kierra can desynchronize her own personal time with that of the rest of the world. The upshot is that if she speeds her time up, she can move “faster” than everyone around her. Desyncing too far can destabilize her atomic structure(and that of objects desynced with her) leading to matter simply dissolving away as molecular bonds break. This will happen from the outside in, so it will present as tearing of clothes at first, and then burns that look like road rash. She can desynchronize ten times faster(or slower) before sacrificing her atomic structure(So, if she’s jogging at a human average of about eight miles per hour, she could stretch that as far as eighty miles safely). The Catch: Her time is unstable, and without conscious effort it will swing back and forth, making her perception of time completely unreliable. She also still only has her normal biological stamina, and therefore will need to rest and eat “more often” than the rest of us, if her time is sped up. Eearly Presentation: Subtle, but noticeable fluctuations in the flow of time. Driving in particular will be quite difficult until she has a grasp of her powers. ((Reasoning: Her unstable time makes any rhythm based hobbies difficult, or even impossible.)) ~~~ [@NightmareInd] You are looking better, thanks for taking a look at that. Here’s Samuel Spark’s power. Energy Drain: Consumes energy from other human beings. There is a passive form, where he takes it in slowly from those around him, and a much faster active form that requires physical contact. Both can be sped up with a conscious effort, but neither can be stopped or slowed down from their base rate. This energy helps replenish him. He can use it to heal faster, and to keep his stamina up. In a crowded place, he would never grow tired or need to sleep, even without using the active form. He could run a marathon with ease by taking little sips of energy from the other runners around him, and if he wanted to [i]win[/i] the race, he could take even more by brushing against them, slowing them down and allowing him to put on a burst of speed. And since I’m sure you’re wondering, yes, he can borrow the powers of other players, but only so long as he maintains unbroken physical contact. The Catch: He no longer generates enough energy to sustain himself from metabolism alone, and needs to be around other people(and therefore leaching from them) to stay healthy and strong. Early Presentation: Being around other people suddenly gives him a kind of boost, it makes him feel a bit more awake and alert. Conversely, he’ll learn when he retreats from social situations that he will feel a bit run down within a few hours of ceasing contact with others. Touching someone will give him a pleasant jolting “high,” and maintaining that contact will keep the buzz going. ((Reasoning: The power doesn’t make him any less shy, or take away any of his fear of social interaction. But it forces him to engage, but also now with a selfish motivation.)) ~~~ [@Kyrisse] Kassidy Macgrath is powered in the following way: Hysterical Strength: Simply enough, her physical strength is increased, but in proportion with her mental state. High energy emotions(happiness, anger, excitement) will increase her strength, while low energy ones(Sadness, listlessness) will decrease it. The Catch: Her power responds to her deeper feelings, and she has no control over it. No matter how much of a stoic face she puts on, if a situation enrages her, she will find herself accidentally breaking things. Early Presentation: A general inability to judge her own strength. She will break things, or be unable to open jars unexpectedly. ((Reasoning: A bit darker, her power is a reflection of her father’s abuse and temper. It is also a facet of her emotions she is much less able to hide. She will have to learn to control her emotions, not just hide them, to control her power.)) ~~~ [@Ellion] Maren West will gain this ability: Pyromancy: More than being able to just control fire, she has it inside of her. At the best of times, her body is unusually warm, and at its most intense, skin contact could ignite dry brush or paper. This cycle is directly tied to her circadian rhythm, where she is strongest(and hottest) in the middle of the day, and weakest(and coolest) at night. She returns almost to normal when she is asleep. At her hottest, it’s not uncommon for tongues of fire to flicker off of her skin. Her own hair and skin are completely fireproof. The Catch: Though she can control the actual fires that she summons, she can’t stop the little flames from coming off of her, or lower her own temperature, which can make her impossible for others to touch during a certain part of the day. Early Presentation: Since the lights appear at night, she might not notice until morning, though anyone who touched her would find her skin to be extremely hot to the touch. ((Reasoning: She likes dangerous situations, and now she [i]is[/i] the danger. It also goes completely counter to her love of nature, as she can be dangerous out in the woods.)) ~~~ [@Mr Allen J] Zoey Gray Electrical Manipulation: She can redirect existing electrical flows and arcs, as well as generate some from her own body. The Catch: Her body is constantly building up a static charge, and it is often discharged upon touching metal or another person. Her shocks can be quite painful, though she no longer feels pain from them. Electronics can short out when she touches them, or even when she simply comes near if her charge is too great. It does take some time to build, though. So if she touches something metal she can safely touch other people or electronics for a little while. Early Presentation: Will keep shocking people she touches, as well as seeing sparks when she touches metal. ((Reasoning: Can’t very well make electric music when a computer will break if she sits in front of it for too long.)) [@Polyphemus] Miles Wellington Inertial Dampening: His body absorbs kinetic energy after a certain threshold. Anything that hits him hard enough will suddenly lose almost all of its inertia. The Catch: It hinders his walking speed somewhat, and makes driving fast almost impossible as any vehicle he is in has a great deal of resistance coming from Miles. The car would have to accelerate slowly, and any attempt at split second maneuvering would be stopped dead. He also can’t hit anything very hard, because his own body will absorb the force he’s trying to inflict on something else. Early Presentation: He would notice it pretty quickly, especially if he got in a fight or tried to go for a drive. ((Reasoning: Love of driving, he also can’t bully as well when he can’t hit people.)) [@SouffleGirl123]((Proofread your CS please)) Mary Smith Body Shifting: Her body can stretch and contort, allowing her to twist around things, fit into small spaces, or even grow taller. The Catch: She cannot alter the mass of her body. So stretching actually stretches her thinner, and there’s a limit to how much she can compress her body to become smaller(She can reduce her total volume by about three times). Early Presentation: Anything that tugs, pulls, or pushes on her would meet less resistance than with a normal person. She will also find her bones bend rather than break. ((Reasoning: Fear of small spaces.)) [@Wicked Sweet] Ocean Reigns Arthropod Manipulation: She can communicate with and command both insects and arachnids(crabs and lobsters too). They will obey her, and are also able to communicate basic ideas back to her. She can feel distress and fear from them, as well. The Catch: She can't filter out incoming proto-thoughts from the bugs, and bugs are pretty much omnipresent. Early Presentation: Will start to feel very alien sensations from creepy crawlies near her. She may discover that they respond to her desires. ((Reasoning: A fear of bugs. Intrusive thoughts also likely will not sit well with her.)) Some of these were harder than others, and some probably fit better. But I'm finally happy with all of them, so enjoy. And I'm sorry.