[h3][color=Silver][center]~Tsuiho~[/center][/color][/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/hev6SI8.png[/img][/center] [@liferusher] [Anyone in the tavern] Auuu...she was completely rejected. The look of utter disappointment was clear on her face as Aya got up without her help and walked past with nothing aside from an insult and a look of anger. That said, she had accomplished her goal!~ Now onto getting back to the Tavern, and keeping her word about getting her something to eat and something to drink...and of course, do something about the fact she was 'lost'. [color=silver]"Alrighty!~"[/color] she giggled, giving Aya a bright grin. [color=silver]"Follow me. It's not too far I was on my way there."[/color] She did have half a mind to grab Aya's hand and lead her that way to the tavern, but ultimately decided against it. She didn't want to appear [i]too[/i] forceful after all. She kept a somewhat brisk pace as she walked, though she made sure to not leave Aya behind and making sure she didn't get lost in the crowd. In all, it took the two about five minutes of making their way through the crowd to get to the Tavern, Tsuiho realizing that about halfway there that she had actually forgot to ask the girls name. Soon enough, they had arrived in front of the tavern. Tsuiho spun on her heel, turning to face Aya with a grin. [color=silver]"Alllright here we are! Crescent Moon Tavern. Hehe, it's a pretty nice place. I come here pretty often, heh. Might as well be their best customer! They're pretty nice people, too, so you shouldn't have to worry about it."[/color] She probably should have told her to try not and freak out at the giant but eh, it'd be fun to see her maybe slightly freak out just a bit. [color=silver]"So come on in, I won't take no for an answer!~"[/color] The fox walked into the tavern, throwing open the doors with excitement as she entered. [color=silver]"Wah~!"[/color] Unfortunately, she ended up tripping on the door, falling flat on the ground. Usual fare for anytime she entered the Tavern. She just never seemed to be able to walk through the front door without tripping. She landed on the ground, taking up most of the space in front of the door.