[H3] [color=ec008c]Vanessa Von Strong[/color] [/H3] Location: Vanessa's Dinner Interacting with: The twins[@BlackPanther], Natasha [@rivaan], Anastasia [@Nallore], Cassandra [@Caits]and Riley by text. ....................................... Vanessa had giving Natasha her second mug with coffee and listened to what the women said. A reporter? Vanessa didn't know but of course couldn't come with anything about it. She was very happy that she could focus on her orders and not really had to say much. When she heard that Natasha had a interview eith Riley she didn't know if she liked this.The young women simply didnt trust this reporter. Vanessa walked to the back and there took her phone. She texted Riley a fast message: [i][color=ec008c]Riri, I have a reporter here.. just heard her saying she has a interview with you.. Please be careful.. Not everyone is who you might think they are. I don't have a good feeling.. keep a s.o.s text ready. Love V[/color][/i] Vanessa returned with a new sack coffee beans and a smile. [color=ec008c]"Cassington, Twins! What good to see you guys"[/color] she said with a smile and walked up to their table. [color=ec008c]"What can I do for you guys?"[/color] she asked and smiled. Over her shoulder she looked at Anastasia and gave the women a smile. She then turned to the others and also gave them a smile and waited for their orders