[@Mr Allen J] [@ColouredCyan] [@Lady Sven] [@solaruin] Also forgot to mention that all heroes will be needing a costume and an alias, as the school bars students from ever actually revealing their true identity to their peers. That isn't to you can't IC, just that it's a big no-no at the school. Also, ages are going to be limited to 18+ for the most part, unless you're an exceptionally talented young aspiring hero that has earned themselves a scholarship to this fine school, after all, it is a hero university. Yeah.. I'm starting to think I'm not very good at giving all the details without fucking up, especially while on pain pills. :? (I'm not a drug addict I promise but I had my stomach cut open and it's kind of ouchies.) Anyways, yeah, sorry guys, I'll edit these details into the CS, hope it's not too much of an inconvenience for you guys.