Done with character number two, I know she's a little halfassed compared to Mouse, but she's going to be my "main character" and I specifically write her so I can explore/develop her past and personality through the IC. Eventually I'll write something. Also, I know the power might be a little hard to swallow too (especially for someone so underdeveloped lol), but I assure you I'm not writing it to God-mod or be "the best," [i]but[/i] to fulfill a motif I'm going for. But, if truly necessary, I'll change her power to something else (Possibly just plant manipulation lol). [center][hider=Charlotte Bellerose] [img][/img][hr][youtube][/youtube][hr] [color=wheat][h2][b]Name:[/b][/h2][/color] [i]Charlotte Bellerose[/i] [color=wheat][h2][b]Alias:[/b][/h2][/color] [i]Caster.[/i] [color=wheat][h2][b]Gender:[/b][/h2][/color] Female [color=wheat][h2][b]Age:[/b][/h2][/color] 18 [color=wheat][h2][b]Height:[/b][/h2][/color] 5'8 [color=wheat][h2][b]Weight:[/b][/h2][/color] 159 [color=wheat][h2][b]General Appearance:[/b][/h2][/color] Charlotte is a "healthy" girl. From years of lazing around, gorging herself on sweets, and not getting exercise, the girl has definitely put on a bit of baby-fat. She's got a bit of a gut that's surrounded with stretch marks, and other unattractive features. This body weight has certainly given her arms and legs a little thickness, and her thighs have greatly widened. However, she could say that it has made a normally flat-chested, thin-as-a-rail, girl curvier, as her bust (42D) and butt have greatly been enhanced. Her body-weight have given her body an apple-shape, where her chest, waist, and hips have similar measurements. Though, what stops her from being a complete slob is the fact that she's a few inches above average (to be classified as tall), and she's been working out to lose this weight. She's to the point where she isn't morbid... but, still fat enough to attract a chubby chaser. Charlotte is French, if the name didn't give it away. A pureblooded French-woman to her name. She has an air of nobility around herself because of the way she walks, and what she wears. However, she is prim and polite at all times, and instead emanates a friendly aura rather than one you'd attribute to French. Her skin is pretty pale from the lack of sunlight. Charlotte's hair is a dark-brown color, and is styled in a braid. Her outfit is pretty classy, and school-girl-y (Other people have said that she dresses like a Librarian). She wears a very modest button up shirt, with a skirt of some short as legwear. She's pretty much blind without her glasses. Often times wearing jeans, and long pants that cover up a lot of leg. [color=wheat][h2][b]Costume:[/b][/h2][/color] Charlotte's costume is a classical "witch." She wears a massive dark-blue cloak with sleeves, with a wide-brimmed witch hat on her head. Underneath the cloak she wears a fancy-red pinstriped suit. Finally, over her face is a Raven Masquerade Mask. [color=wheat][h2][b]Powers/Abilities:[/b][/h2][/color] [i]Elemental-Imbuing.[/i] Charlotte has a pretty unique power, with concentration she can infuse anything she can get her hands on with a Zenith ability relating to manipulating the elements. It'll take her some time to do so, but once she does, she can give anything a power. She could create a stick that has pyrokinetic abilities, a book that can shoot lightning, and so on. Whenever she does this, the object she imbued her power with will change appearance. Depending on the element she utilized, the object can be surrounded by fire, made out of stone, or surrounded with raging winds. However, regardless of what she imbues an object with, it'll be light as it normally is to [i]her[/i], and the flames or electricity won't bother her. All because of an aura that defends herself from it's direct effects. She limits her ability to only imbuing her staff with superpowers rather than random objects she can get her hands on. Imbuing objects with powers takes time. This power is reliant on what she has a personal connection with, which alters the time necessary to imbue. Her staff is, for example, is very treasured to her, so it'd take a few moments to imbue with an elemental ability. It'd also be easy for her to imbue her favorite book, cellphone, etc. While it'd take a few minutes to give a random stick on the ground superpowers. This relies on movements, she can't just hold a stick and expect a fire-storm to come out! She has to wave it around to do what she wants it to do. And just for balance reasons; she can only imbue one object at a time, she can't imbue the same object with different elements, doesn't know how to use them right off the bat, and if the object is broken it loses it's imbue. At the moment, she has only three possible elements at her disposal, and can learn more: [i]Plant-Manipulation.[/i] Charlotte has a connection to plants by imbuing objects with plant powers. It'll be coated with vines and roots, and other flowers. She can sense them in the immediate area, and instinctively gain information about them (which part of their life cycle they're in, what kind of plant they are, etc, etc) long as she's holding the object. Charlotte can also sense through them if she focuses. You see, to an extent, plants can feel, smell, and taste (There's also a theory that they can hear, but nah). Well, it's mostly limited to other plants. Plants can feel, and Charlotte knows what they feel. Such as a gust of wind, or someone touching them, she has long learned the difference. Now, Charlotte can do the usual manipulation of plants other than herself. She can freely manipulate the growth and size, and exercises precise control over them. Making them grow to exponential levels in mere seconds. She can control wood, vines, plants, moss and fungus, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits and flowers. She can use the plants around her to both attack and defend herself from harm. Her ability requires her feet be on the ground, otherwise her control is severely weakened. She generally exerts physical force by stomping her feet or digging her fingers into the soil, to increase her power to amazing levels. Charlotte can basically control all plants, and is all powerful in woods. Not too much to describe here, since you should already know what she can do. This is the ability she knows how to use the best. [i]Air-Manipulation.[/i] The object will be surrounded with raging air-currents, no changes to outward appearance, but it's definitely noisy. Charlotte has the power over the mighty winds. Pretty simple if you watched Avatar the Last Airbender. He can throw air in a variety of forms; a gust to knock someone down, tornadoes. But she can do plenty of out of the box things too. Such as telekinesis by bending the air around an object, use it to shoot objects off with more force, and minor sound manipulation. It also gives her the ability to flyyyy like an eagle. Not super good at it because she just learned it. If you're asking how all this works: it just works. [color=wheat][h2][b]Power Grade:[/b][/h2][/color] 4.0 [color=wheat][h2][b]Skills:[/b][/h2][/color] Fencing (Charlotte is a master fencer). Drawing/Art. Dancing. [color=wheat][h2][b]Equipment:[/b][/h2][/color] Charlotte always carries around a special staff that was custom-made for her. It's made out of a ebony-wood that's been painted black. It's around six-feet tall exactly, and it has metal balls made out of a painted gold on each end. It can be used as a blunt weapon, but it's mostly used so Charlotte can infuse it with an element. It's easy for her to infuse powers with it. [color=wheat][h2][b]Suit Capabilities:[/b][/h2][/color] Under the layer of clothing, Charlotte wears body-armor which can easily take small-arms. [/hider][/center]