Orb of Mysticism - May's & Black Ninja's 1x1 Roleplay http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/140869-the-orb-of-mysticism-1x1-rp-between-may-and-black-ninja/ooc [u][b]Main Characters[/b][/u] [b]Protagonists[/b] [hider=Roger Radcliff] [b][i]Born:[/i][/b] 17th of July, 1906 [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] 24 [img]http://www.stockvault.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/SteamPunk-11.jpg[/img] [i][b]Position:[/b][/i] Formally valet and infantryman, now a dock laborer in London. [i][b]Bio:[/b][/i] Roger was born and bred in Cambridge. He was seven when the Great War started (lasted for 7 years). His father served an infantryman in the earlier part of the war and was killed off. His mother still lives London and works as a seamstress where she remarried. At the age of 12, Roger was able to get a position working for the slightly eccentric scientist, Doctor Edwin Brown. He served as a valet, assistant, and overall help around the house until the age of 18 where he enlisted as an infantryman. When the Doctor died mysteriously, Roger resigned from the army and moved back to London to watch over the Doctor's daughter. [i][b]Characteristics:[/b][/i] Roger is loyal, kind, firm. He's not one to rush in quickly but when he makes a decision he is all in. He's quiet but not overly so. He prefers the company of a few good friends to a room full of acquaintances. [/hider] [hider=Estella Schonfield] [b][i]Born:[/i][/b] 1909 [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 21 [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQBRCtXfzbpBd9T8jGbr-jOsyYhK4jROG32spppRICDZnFGnujNCw[/img] [i][b]Position:[/b][/i] Tinkerer/Reckoner (create instructions for analytical engines). Basically mechanic. Doesn't invent but is pretty good fixing and breaking down things. [i][b]Bio:[/b][/i] Jewish-Danish descent, not much is known about Estella's past except the small star of David necklace signifying her heritage. She is handy with gadgets and could take most anything apart and put it back together again. She's great with puzzles and has a quick mind. She is artistic and likes to draw various machines related to her work or imagination. Though not much of a fighter, she's not one to be pushed around. Many a man was surprised at how quick she can draw a weapon with a few finding out just how accurate her aim was. [i][b]Characteristics:[/b][/i] Friendly. One would never know by looking at her what pain was in her past. She is smart, kind, a bit laid back, but also is a bit of a smart-aleck. [/hider] [b]Antagonists[/b] [hider=Claus Schaber] Pronounced: Clow-ss [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 26 [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/35a106d907df5f58281345d26d210531/tumblr_mhjkdns68a1qa6vr1o1_1280.jpg[/img] [b][i]Position:[/i][/b] Formally captain in the Austrian Air Fleet, now assigned to find the orb of mysticism. [b][i]Bio:[/i][/b] Son of a noble Austrian line, Claus has an outstanding service record. He served on an Austrian Airship before being re-assigned to find the orb of mysticism. [b][i]Characteristics:[/i][/b] Has yet to be revealed... [/hider] [hider=McArm] Real Name Unknown [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/28/06/09/2806095aede2118dc69095133e69ba5d.jpg[/img] [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] unknown [/hider] [b]Unknown Loyalties[/b] [hider=Marie] [b][i]Age:[/i][/b] 24 [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ1uEM4-pK2blNZNBFczIas8pcEP6THKm49--5gOkIVOxjLNqzYw[/img] [b][i]Position:[/i][/b] WIP [b][i]Bio:[/i][/b] WIP [b][i]Characteristics:[/i][/b] Has yet to be revealed... [/hider] [b]Other[/b] [hider=Rufus] [img]https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14051836_1576699949300462_407992666098441230_n.jpg?oh=112c88a7358c1f98aab047ae9a51823e&oe=5881B26B[/img] [b][i]Position:[/i][/b] Tinkerer [i][b]Bio:[/b][/i] Owns a little small junk shop in the London Airfield (docks). [/hider]