[hider=Maren][color=lightcoral]Name:[/color] Maren (Mars) Elizabeth West [color=lightcoral]Appearance: [/color] [hider=MarenItisbigsorry] [img]http://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/a13/lily-collins-women-actresses-faces-portraits.jpg[/img] [/hider] Maren stands at a proud 5'7" and has a lean and muscular appearance. She got her mothers hazel eyes and her father round face and brown hair. Style wise, she usually just wears whatever. Most of her wardrobe is made up of 'outdoors' clothing. Comfortable shorts, tee-shirt and tanks. When she isn't lounging or hiking, she usually wears 'cute and comfortable' hating to be restricted in her movements by any article of clothing. [color=lightcoral]Personality:[/color] Like any child who grew up guarded, Maren rebelled. Not in the 'I'm going to smoke and party all the time' sort of rebellion(although there was plenty of that). But in the 'I'm going to do it BECAUSE it is dangerous' way. While she isn't overly stupid about what she will or will not do, she doesn't put a lot of thought into it either. Jump off a bridge? Sure! Walk home in the dark? Of course! Camp by oneself? Yes! She also loves to be around people. The more company the better, but she isn't going to wait around for others to make up their mind and is fine going off to do something on her own because it is what she wants to do. Which is why she does do so much solo hiking and camping. She like to be fast paced in everything she does and has little patience for people who cannot commit or decide quick enough. She is a leaper before a looker. [color=lightcoral]Likes:[/color] Fall, baggy sweaters, warm drinks, open fires, stars, cat snuggles, hikes, gum. [color=lightcoral]Dislikes:[/color] Smoking, rain, being still, not moving forward, debates lasting...longer than five minutes. Hobbies: Hiking, biking, fourwheeling camping, anything that can be done in nature. She also loves learning, not school per say, but learning about what ever catches her fleeting interest. [color=lightcoral]Background:[/color] All Maren's parents wanted was a child. Both of them were doctors in their individual non medical fields. Having put their career first until much later in life and struggled with getting pregnant because of it. Maren's mother, Elizabeth, had over eight miscarriages before the comet passed over the sky. When all of the babies started dying it was all Maren's mother could do to get up every morning, fearing that [i]this[/i] was the day when she'd lose baby number nine. She stopped going to her doctors appointments before the first ultrasound, too afraid of what the doctor might say. She kept far away from others the entire pregnancy. She kept it a secret and she tried to keep it safe. Babies were dying and no one knew why. It was all she felt like she could do. The months passed by and one week shy of full term, Elizabeth gave birth to twins. A boy and a girl. A sickly one and a healthy one. Her father named them Maren Elizabeth for her mother and Caleb Warren for him. Caleb lived for three years, in that time Elizabeth and Warren drug their sickly son from one side of the country to the next, trying to save him. But it didn't help, Caleb died. It wasn't dramatic, one moment the twins were playing in the sandbox and the next he was gone, shovel still in hand and all. Maren doesn't remember much of him and most of the memories she does has aren't really her own, rather, stories that have been told to her so many times that she only [i]thinks[/i] she remembers him. Maren and her parents spent the next five years far away from Greenbriar, fearing that the place was the reason for their infertility and the illness that took their son. But everyone always goes back to their roots and when Maren was twelve, they returned to the small oceanside town. Afterward, her mother returned to the field and her father became a stay at home dad and started writing a book. With no other family but each other (both of her parents were only children whose parents passed long before Maren) there was really no where else for them to go anyway. Maren's family is fairly well off and, unlike most who have had a child who died, the ordeal brought her parents closer together as a team. On another note. As her senior years dies down, Maren has been spending her time arguing for a travel gap year before starting college. Her parents are less thrilled with that idea. [color=lightcoral]Power:[/color] Pyromancy: More than being able to just control fire, she has it inside of her. At the best of times, her body is unusually warm, and at its most intense, skin contact could ignite dry brush or paper. This cycle is directly tied to her circadian rhythm, where she is strongest(and hottest) in the middle of the day, and weakest(and coolest) at night. She returns almost to normal when she is asleep. At her hottest, it’s not uncommon for tongues of fire to flicker off of her skin. Her own hair and skin are completely fireproof. The Catch: Though she can control the actual fires that she summons, she can’t stop the little flames from coming off of her, or lower her own temperature, which can make her impossible for others to touch during a certain part of the day. Early Presentation: Since the lights appear at night, she might not notice until morning, though anyone who touched her would find her skin to be extremely hot to the touch. [/hider] [hider= Rhys Fox] [color=1E90FF]Name:[/color] Rhys Fox [color=1E90FF]Appearance:[/color] [hider=image1]][img]http://www.sailblogs.com/blogview/imageproxy.php?memberdir=svsecretagentman&imgname=etr_sailing_scale.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=img2][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cf/8b/99/cf8b9985806ae9269d395be75bd49fb4.jpg[/img][/hider] He usually dresses in fast drying clothing or swimwear. Until it starts snowing, he can be seen in flip flops or barefoot. His hands and feet are highly calloused from hard labor. [color=1E90FF]Personality:[/color] While Rhys isn't shy, he doesn't have a lot of friends either. Really great acquaintances that he hangs out with and parties with, but he just simply doesn't have the time for form close bonds. Between working and caring for his father and school, it had made him rather serious and was forced to grow up quickly. He has great work ethic and will always see thing through to the end, even if it is doomed to fail. Especially if he feels as though he has taken on a leader role. At the same time, he isn't nearly as grown up or as clever or as level headed as he thinks he is. He is prone to childish passive aggressive tactics towards those he see that 'rich' and will actively try to make those people seem foolish, or bait them into a full on brawl for no other reason than they are wealthy. He will also try to fight people he sees looking down at his father for being crippled or poor. [color=1E90FF]Likes:[/color] Boats, sailing, oceanography, nature music [color=1E90FF]Dislikes: [/color] Rich people. People who look down on his father. [color=1E90FF]Hobbies:[/color] Sailing, Fishing, Swimming, Snorkeling....Sailing. [color=1E90FF]Background: [/color] Rhy comes from a navy based background. He was raised to respect authority. He was raised to be honest, hardworking, diligent and passionate. And most of all, he was raised to love the sea. It was truly by chance that his family ended up in Greenbriar, Oregon at all. In fact, his mother hadn't even heard of the place before his parents happened on it on their way to Seattle for the final funeral of his father's mate who didn't make it. People in the navy weren't supposed to get hurt, they weren't supposed to die. They were supposed to be far from the action in subs and ships. But one sneak attack had injured his father to the point where he was honorably discharged and given medals upon medals. As though that was supposed to bring back his father's friends or his legs. His parents had always traveled with his father's work. Never staying at any one base more than a year or two at most. Yet, suddenly they found themselves without place to call home. And they fell in love with the little town from the brief stop at the gas station. They packed up their belonging and move not long before the Red Lights flashed across the sky. It was even hard to say that they lived in the town, as for the first few years after Rhys was born, they lived in his father's boat. Growing up he didn't know it, but the army pension wasn't enough to truly support the family and they were flat broke. It was hard for his father to find work after all, who would want to hire a no legged cripple. His mother also struggled to find jobs as she had married his father at 17 and never had to work a day in her life. It was never enough, not really. But slowly they were able to save enough to buy a small house. It wasn't much, but it was theirs and the way his mother spoke of it, it could have been a palace. Sadly his mother didn't get to enjoy it long. Not six months after they moved in, she was hit by some rich kid driving too fast and too drunk. The kid got a year in jail and probation and Rhys got to lose his mother. He was five years old. His dad then sold the house and moved the two of them back into the boat. And that was were he lived to this day. It wasn't all bad, his father and him had been to some of the most beautiful places in the world. During summer vacation, they would just unhook the house and travel. His father never had to leave to work, he simply took the boat after Rhys would leave for school, fish and then return home to pick him up. It was a good thing his father stayed mostly on the boat. At sea, he was free and at home. At sea he wasn't a cripple. On land, he relied on Rhys for nearly everything. And in his old age, he had started to rely on his son more and more. Fishing wasn't paying the bills anymore, so Rhys had to get a job at the yacht club, helping the rich people he hated so much 'feel like real sailors'. Ideally, Rhys would have gone into the navy right out of high school, but his father forbade it. Now, all he can see his life is working at the yacht club and getting suck further and futher by being forced to care for his father's failing health. Currently, his plan is to go crabbing in Alaska so that he could get enough money to get his father the help he needs and get the heck out of town. Unmaking Touch: Inorganic materials that he touches break and corrode away. Metal rusts, machines fall apart, synthetic textiles unravel. The Catch: Inorganic materials that he touches break and corrode away. Metal rusts, machines fall apart, synthetic textiles unravel. Early Presentation: Inorganic materials that he touches break and corrode away. Metal rusts, machines fall apart, synthetic textiles unravel. [/hider]