[hider=Kassidy MacGrath] Name: Kassidy MacGrath Appearance: She stands 5'4, slender and pale with wavy red hair that reaches down past her shoulders, most often worn unruly and sometimes in a bun on top of her head with a few stray tendrils framing her face. Her expressive gray eyes are most often than not hidden behind black wire rimmed glasses. In truth, she doesn't really wear prescription glasses. She just likes wearing them as some sort of "screen" from the real world or some sort of "shield" from people who tries to "see into her". She can almost always be seen wearing a plain shirt of varied colors, worn out denim jeans and sneakers, making her look a little boyish. Once in a while she goes around town wearing sundresses that entirely transforms how she looks. [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=42654673[/img] Personality: Kassidy is a pleasant girl that loves conversing with people, particularly the elderly as she thinks she gets along better with them. She likes smiling and people always think of her as a bright cheerful child. But behind her gray eyes lies a deeply rooted pain and fear that she desperately tries to hide. She is often found in the cafe, working as a barista and a waitress. Other times, she can be seen in the library, her nose buried in a variety of books, from novels to cookbooks to history books. If not in the library, she can be seen by the window of her house reading a book with her ginger tabby curled beside her. Likes: Books, Smiling, Chatting with people, cats Dislikes: People trying to pry into her personal life (there aren't a lot since most people think her a carefree, problem free girl), insects Hobbies: Reading, day dreaming, being friendly to and feeding stray cats Background: The only child of Susan MacGrath, the owner of Cliffside Cafe (if you guys don't mind me claiming said cafe). Her father, Leon MacGrath, a local carpenter, had wanted a male child and was more than disappointed when she turned out to be a girl. He had tried conceiving another child with his wife but she never conceived again. At first, Leon had tried to toughen up the child, teaching her to play with toys made for boys. He gave her male clothes to wear and always cut her hair short that most in town thought she was actually a boy. When she showed interest in books, dresses and dolls, her father had been so disappointed he began ignoring her. She missed the attention her father had given her that she tried to hide her girly interests. But her father was never the same. He became withdrawn and began disappearing from the house for long periods of time. He began neglecting his small wood work business. He also became cold to his wife and became angry at small things: how his wife was always busy in the cafe, how she never paid enough attention to him, how she indulged her only child's every whim. He began to drift further and further away until he became abusive. When Kassidy finally found out that he had gotten another woman pregnant, Leon had been so upset that he did something that put his daughter in the hospital. Soon after, Susan kicked her husband out of the house. To the present, Susan never discussed or brought up what had happened that day. Since then, she struggled to act as if everything was all right despite how her husband's absence affected her. In turn, Kassidy began pretending to be care free despite the fear that her father might someday return and begin an abusive cycle all over again. Power: Hysterical Strength: Simply enough, her physical strength is increased, but in proportion with her mental state. High energy emotions(happiness, anger, excitement) will increase her strength, while low energy ones(Sadness, listlessness) will decrease it. The Catch: Her power responds to her deeper feelings, and she has no control over it. No matter how much of a stoic face she puts on, if a situation enrages her, she will find herself accidentally breaking things. Early Presentation: A general inability to judge her own strength. She will break things, or be unable to open jars unexpectedly. [/hider]