The quick reaction was just enough to save Numinous, and by extension, anyone on board. But Mischa's reaction to the intruding entity didn't seem very effective, not once her sensors picked up the very inhuman heartbeat. The creature was detectable, and moved just as a human would, but as the airlocks shot open and attempted to vent the creature out, it clung to the closest surface within her room and dug its hands deep into the Numinous' inner hull. Something blared across Mischa's comm as she glared at the giant monolith-like wall before her. A message was made clearer, and repeated several times. Fortunately, it was in English, but what the hell could be out here with such advanced tech, and the ability to communicate with such ease? [color=gray][i]"Attention, attention! This is the Yaridon containment cruise, requesting that you disable your ship's engine, along with any defense systems, and allow our officers to board! Our distress signal was a ruse concocted by one of our prisoners! I repeat, please disable your ship's engine, along with any defense systems, and allow our officers to board! Our distress signal was a ruse concocted by one of our prisoners!"[/i][/color] The message blared over and over, awaiting compliance, or some sort of response from the Numinous' pilot. The dark figure before her was a super-massive containment vessel, allegedly responsible for transporting prisoners. But why the hell would it be in the Beta sector? Where the hell was [i]Yaridon?[/i] It was completely alien to anything spoken of back at the Core worlds, and its size was astronomical. Something about the entire situation didn't add up. Perhaps the [i]criminal [/i]has some answers. Or, perhaps the [i]criminal[/i] wanted so desperately to tear into Mischa's [i]flesh.[/i] Whatever it wanted, it didn't seem to need oxygen, could apparently survive in the vacuum of space, and had enough physical strength to resist the natural pull from the Numinous' airlocks.