[hider=Kristy Webb] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/84/09/0c/84090cea308f6493a3493fdde0b21b28.jpg[/img] [color=d70a53][h3] ☰ = -[b][u] K I R S T Y W E B B [/u][/b] - = ☰ [/h3][b]27 yo ✦ 161.8 cm ✦ 65 kg[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9t8WXxSEnMU]♫ ♫ ♫ ♫[/url] ▲ ◄ ► ▼[/color][/center][indent][color=d70a53][b][sub][u] A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/sub][/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=80616c]Kristy comes across as quite a noticeable female at first glance especially with her [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_me1nesHux31rzav8zo1_500.jpg]long, multi-toned, blue hair[/url], her uniquely refined clothing style [i](that is a mixture of both casual and formal attire)[/i] and a distinctive set of glasses that help trim and frame her facial beauty. She sports a set of hazel/blue eyes a condition that has causes her eyes to appear as if they have gold flecks around the outer edge, while her facial structure is slender and petite. The young adult can be seen wearing a dark, denim skater skirt that compliments the peach, lace trimmed singlet she usually favours. She additionally wears a bright pink business tie that is loosely tied around her neck and a grey, charcoal stripped hooded jacket that comes complete with it's own cat ears. Finally she has a set of chunky white skate shoes with often a mismatched pair of white socks [i](The coloured trim line never seems to match up)[/i].[/color][/indent][/indent] [color=d70a53][b][sub][u] L I K E S [/u][/sub][/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Retro Games:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Kristy is a sucker for the old Famicom, the Atari and even the NES. To her they signal the beginning of a unique movement, a vivid culture, and an ever growing plethora stories. She likes to collect them and the games complete with the original packaging.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Electronics:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Occasionally Kristy's poor consoles would break. Occasionally... she would have to pull them apart to fix the electronics inside. Her knowledge on technology and electronics increased as time went on thanks to a variety of workplaces.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Skateboarding:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Kristy loves to skate. She started during her early [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/26/b8/66/26b866e912c0e38951857ef321995491.jpg]teens[/url] and finds that it is a good way to relax. She's decent enough to be able to jump a few ledges and lacks the fear of stacking it, but is no where near the likes of a professional.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Junk food:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]There's no enough time to sit down and cook, unless it's cupped Ramen or take away food. She doesn't care much for eating healthy.[/color][/indent] [/indent][/indent] [color=d70a53][b][sub][u] D I S L I K E S [/u][/sub][/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Micro-Transactions:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]A game is like a book or a movie. You don't buy one only to find out the final chapter or the last scene has disappeared. Kristy despises this new movement believing that games are like art and the old ones had the idea down-pat until big corporations started seeing the dollar signs. Besides, she's not made of money so she can't afford exorbitant amounts for Horse Armour.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Sleeping:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Whether it is 10pm or 3am, Kristy will surely be awake. She doesn't enjoy sleeping much and spends most of her nights out and about or at home gaming. The unfortunate result is that while at work she will often fall asleep at the counter. It's just lucky that she knows her job fairly well and it's not too difficult.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Her Age:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Mention this and she will slap you. She is quite sick of people telling her that she needs to think about life seriously and stop acting below her age. You're as young as you feel and Kristy does not feel like she's anywhere near the young mother stage of her life.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Hospitals:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]A lifetime spent skateboarding and Kristy has broken several bones, sprained many wrists, and twisted the ankle once or twice. She dislikes how the nurses at one point knew her by name, and how the injuries would put her out of action for a while. The positive side was that this downtime was what got her into gaming, so there is a silver lining to all this after all.[/color][/indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Her Eyes:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]The compliments on her eye colour are fine, but she really dislikes how she has to wear her glasses all the time. She's broken more pairs than she can count and whenever that happens she gets pretty down on herself. No gaming, skating is dangerous, and the headaches are just annoying as hell.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=d70a53][b][sub][u] P A R T Y T R I C K [/u][/sub][/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Double Jointed:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Around the age of 18, Kristy had a skating accident where she pulled some muscles and tore some tendons in her right hand wrist after landing on it the wrong way. Ever since then she has been able to bend her hand back far enough for her fingers to touch the back of her forearm. It freaks out most people...[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=d70a53][b][sub][u] P R O F E S S I O N [/u][/sub][/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=b20845]❖[b] Lancom Arcade:[/b][/color] [indent][color=80616c]Kristy is a part time worker for Lancom Arcade. She spends most of her time repairing the machines that people break or sitting behind the counter half asleep. She isn't the most enthusiastic worker out of the lot but enjoys seeing the familiar faces.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [color=d70a53][b][sub][u] B I O / P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/sub][/b][/color] [indent][indent][color=80616c]Kristy has what some would call a closed off personality, a person who enjoys their solitude and quiet time, but in reality she is quite the happy and playful individual as she enjoys spending much of her free time with those that she calls friends. She does have a lazy personality and when it comes to work and effort she will only put in as much as she generally wants to; ask her to perform a task and it'll get done at some point in the next day or two. Her younger life wasn't the most privileged as well. Both her parents were unemployed and couldn't really afford to support her through her schooling life, considering most of their income was spent on alcohol and drugs. This lead to a bit of a rough upbringing where she didn't really know any different until she was old enough to fend for herself. She moved out of home in her early 20s and has been swapping between jobs and locations ever since. Eventually, after several years of moving, she found an apartment in Shine City that was semi-decent and a job that was advertised in the local paper. Kristy does have a bit of a dream to own her own store. She's not quite sure what it may contain, whether it'd be something to do with her love for games or her passion of skating, but the idea is something that has been sitting in the back of her mind for the longest of times. The main problems that she finds which hold her back are both money, and basic motivation.[/color][/indent][/indent][/indent] [center][color=d70a53]▲ ◄ ► ▼[/color][/center] [/hider]