[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ESQcspJ.png[/img][hr][color=FF1493][b]☉[/b][/color][hr] [/center] Eliza, being who she was, had no qualms with the plans everyone was creating. Would her parents allow her to go on the venture? It wasn’t anywhere near likely, but she would manage. The little lass smirked a bit as Felix spoke to her. He wanted to sneak out, and for some reason believed Eliza incapable of doing so. [color=FF1493][b]“I’ll just meet you at your house before we head up to the woods!”[/b][/color] She showed a devilishly imaginative grin as she sent her best friend a wink. That would be the easy part, at least, if everything played out how it did in her head. Fighting off whoever was holding their favorite radio host hostage and performing vile experiments upon him… That would be the hard part. Hard for the others, that is. Eliza was prepared. Eliza let out a bit of a giggle as Emily spoke up about Madcat being tortured for knowing too much. Eliza had all too often thought that her friends would simply shrug off her whimsical theories as pure imagination, but this scenario seemed to have everyone excited for a real adventure! [color=FF1493][b]”Then we have to go save him!”[/b][/color] Eliza was always quick on the draw with her exclamations and plans. Even now, while the group was all planning the journey out, her mind had no room for a single thought of the repercussions that the adventure might bring with it. Perhaps she was a bit headstrong, but the thought of venturing out to find Madcat had been such a wondrous idea it seemed to inhibit her rational thoughts. Well, that is if she ever had any rational thoughts to begin with. Eliza really didn’t help at all with the planning. She left that to the pros like Debra. She did occasionally try to throw out an idea, but it was usually and entirely pure nonsense. Typical Eliza, of course. [hr] Escaping her home early posed no struggle for Eliza. She was quite the inventive one after all, though perhaps she over thought the difficulty of the task. She and Felix typically played early in the mornings and late into the nights. It wasn’t like Eliza had better things to do than hang out with Felix on a daily basis, and simply telling her father that she would be over at Felix’s house for a few days had her covered on the camping aspect. Now came time for the real struggle: getting all the way to Felix’s house without dying in the desert heat that seemed to immediately hit her in the face. Yes, Eliza wasn’t the most endurant, but there were times when she would manage. After the grueling journey Eliza had spent speeding through the neighborhoods, she finally arrived at the rather familiar house, and it was as if she was completely re-energized upon arrival. Of course, this energy would only last until she and Felix had to travel once more. Gently turning the knob to the door, Eliza completely circumvented any attempts to be polite. Felix and his family were used to that by now, though, and how could anyone be mad at little Eliza? As she turned the knob just enough to crack the door, Eliza then planted her foot firmly upon the center mass of the wood, causing it to swing open rather dramatically. [color=FF1493][b]”Felix! I have arrived!”[/b][/color] It appeared Eliza’s friend was quite the planner when it came to packing for a trip. She was greatly the opposite in this aspect. A simple drawstring bag was flung over her shoulders with an assortment of random and meaningless items and she considered herself ready. She had imagined Felix was used to this and did packing for her as well, considering every item she brought would pose no assistance in any sort of camp situation. It was really all just toys and trinkets she had managed to collect over the years that she and Felix always used in their magical games. [color=DeepSkyBlue][b]”I won’t be able to carry you much this time around since I have my hands full already.”[/b][/color] Eliza gave a sly giggle. Felix would cave. He always did. As the two exchanged pleasantries and spoke about the trip, the hurried off, as it was likely Eliza wasn’t going to be able to keep up and Felix would have to slow down. Leaving early was a trend for the pair that Felix had graciously managed to adopt for his partner in crime. The trip was shorter than expected for Eliza, or perhaps her excitement and Felix’s chatting distracted her from worrying about the constant and gruelingly slow passage of time. Eliza was her usual tired self until they made it to the edge of woods. It was almost like a game once they were there. She would hop off the sidewalk into the woods and run ahead only to meet back up with Felix. Getting to the Big Rock was a rather simple task. When Eliza had the energy it was a fantastic park the pair loved to play games and hang out in. Once she and Felix could see the park, Eliza hurried ahead to meet her friends. Almost skidding to a halt, she tipped the plastic army helmet upon her head that she had borrowed from one of Felix’s past Halloween costumes. [i]This[/i] was ‘coming prepared’ for Eliza. They had arrived just after the group was doing a headcount. [color=FF1493][b]”Eliza present and reporting for duty! Let’s go save Madcat from the evil.”[/b][/color] Mocking a salute, she stood proudly next to her friend.