[center][h1][color=DeepSkyBlue]Felix Escavalier[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Felix listened to the ongoing words being passed between everyone. He was usually more social in their little gatherings but he decided to stay silent this time around. Crossing his legs in the chair, he rocked back and forth thinking about he was to tell his mother. If Debs had said her uncle was okay with it and he’s pretty well known in the community he didn’t see why she wouldn’t agree. Giving a side glance to Eliza a warm feeling spread in his chest. She was going to have so much fun, and so was he! It was another adventure she could write about. For him something like this was just another excuse to play around. Although everyone was taking it seriously he was more so focused on the playful aspects. Traveling through the woods, exploring new things and reaching their final destination. All the exhaustion he had felt earlier was gone and replaced with a newfound rush of energy. The meeting had wrapped up everyone had a range of emotions written on their faces, from worry to excitement and everything in between. Felix looked at Eliza, giving her a grin. [b][color=DeepSkyBlue] ”Aren’t you excited?! I just hope your parents will be alright with it.. If anything, we could…”[/color][/b] He stopped and bit his tongue. Lying was something he wasn’t all that good at so coming up with an excuse on the spot proved to be difficult for him. Placing his hands on his hips he scratched his head. What were they to do if they had said no. It was always a guessing game with those two, but Felix didn’t want to casually suggest she sneak out. She piped up and her words caused a sinking feeling in his stomach. [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]”What do you mean you will meet me at my house...That is going to be a long walk..”[/color][/b] Felix sighed and realized rationalizing with her was not going to do him any good. With another huff, he had walked Eliza home listening to her senseless chatter all while worrying himself into oblivion. [hr] Monday came all too slowly, Felix had been anticipating it and his mother would laugh and tell him father time made everything slower just for him. Felix always had an interest with time and clocks, he enjoyed taking them apart and looking at the inside so the fact she teased him with that made him really nervous. Maybe father time really was messing with him. Not that it mattered, Monday was here and Eliza was on her way. As he expected his mother took the news well, she was even excited for him. Going so far as to help him get the camping stuff and even prove to be an alibi for Eliza had her parents called at all to check up on her. It wasn’t the first time she stayed over his house but they were always kinda weird about it. He really never understood why but not like he cared enough to question it. His mother was even kind enough to lay things out for Eliza that she couldn’t covertly bring with her. Felix was up before the sun and was pacing around the house, he even went to the fort for a while to clean up their mess from the weekend. At his house he finished packing a large bag. He was always prepared for everything, wanting to play hero regardless if it was Eliza, Phoebe or Danny who got into trouble. First aid kit, snacks, extra pillows, more snacks, blankets, knife, and lots and lots of water. Felix knew the lot of them could take care of themselves but he knew that they could always use a little help. Eliza would take longer since she had to walk a bit….and he couldn’t help but to worry for her as he always did. Val was always another person he treated with extra care but Eliza was the type to fall over on the side of the road from exhaustion in a dramatic fashion. Then babble to a stranger who were to come and help about something or another. Shaking in his ratty shoes he paced about more causing his mother to wake and smack him repeatedly with the morning paper. The two waited and before they knew it, Eliza’s voice rang throughout the house along with a thud from the door, [color=FF1493][b]”Felix! I have arrived!”[/b][/color]. Felix just let out a long sigh and ran his hands through his hair. [color=DeepSkyBlue][b]”Alrighty then. Looks like we can leave then.”[/b][/color] Gathering the bag and two sleeping bags in his arms he gave Eliza an apologetic look, [color=DeepSkyBlue][b]”I won’t be able to carry you much this time around since I have my hands full already.”[/b][/color] Though he already knew he would end up carrying her anyways, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to mention the fact even if it was futile. Felix and Eliza set off with Felix’s mother watching them before they were out of sight. They let out some mindless chatter about the trip and how they were both very excited for it. They arrived at the meeting place shortly after to find some others were already there but not everyone. Eliza was brimming with excitement running all over the place, Felix was only waiting for her to scratch herself or fall, but he was at peace being surrounded by his friends. Debs arrived shortly after them calling for a head count, [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]”Felix checking in!”[/color][/b] His cheeks reddened from the funny words leaving his mouth but gave a cheeky grin anyways. They were going to see MadCat and he couldn’t wait. It was the adventure of a lifetime!