Jun looked up from her homework and grinned. She was hoping he would make his way over to her sooner rather than later. The math homework had been giving he a little difficulty, so she was looking for a break. She stood up and walked over to the car and began looking through is selection of books. "Hey friend," she said sticking her tongue out and picking up the book in the middle of his car, "this one looks rather interesting. It seems it's about demon hunters though. I happen to like the underworld." She pouted a little as she put the book down. She reached over and grabbed another one, "Oh this one looks like romance, but it's not really my cup of tea. I like scary. What do you recommend?" She set the book back down and crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for a response. He was rather calm here. She'd even seen him interacting with a little girl, which was something she never pictured him doing. He was more reserved so working here seemed to fit his personality. She figured he was able to socialize, while also able to be a little bit of a lone wolf. Jun wasn't sure if she'd be able to crack the shell he had around him like armor, but she would give it a try. She needed more friends, she had a couple but they were more in school. None of them actually knew her or what she went through on a daily basis. "I've read most Stephen King, so you'll have to aim higher," she noted as she danced her fingers along the spines of the books on the shelves.