So this will be a slice-of-life with added angst, with a certain amount of fantasy injected into it. It also has dark aspects, so I only RP with folks who're 18 or over. Basically, MC is an immortal creature/spirit who practically runs Halloween like a business. She makes sure everything goes smoothly, and keeps it popular. However, having been alive for hundreds of years, she becomes lonely. So, she makes your male character her servant. She makes him do menial tasks, and also makes him her companion romantically/otherwise. Naturally, she would be the one in control and she can also be cruel/cold. It will have moments of fluff though, because MC isn't evil no matter how spoilt and mean she can be. I'm looking for somebody active and committed who's willing to rp over pm My character is below!~ Name: Victoria Augusta Moon Age: 216 Appearance: Bio: Victoria is the spirit of Halloween. Ever since it became a commercial success, she was given the task of overseeing the holiday. She controls the spirits, and generally tries to make everything go smoothly. However, she's become bored and lonely - and wishes to find a servant/companion. Before this existence she was a human once, and died in mysterious circumstances. Pm or message me if interested xx