[hider=The World] World of Blood Compact takes place in "modern" times, although futuristic technology is accessible and may be included as part of your character's development and will be encountered in the rp. Sometime in the last century or so, the world became keenly aware of the existence of vampires when a psychotic, rebellious, and powerful, oldblood vampire by the name of Magnus raised an army and basically tried to take over the world. A decade-long war was fought (often referred to as the Nightwars), vampires were divided, the SOLDIER organization was created, and the Blood Compact was made. The primary battlefield was the central United States. What does all that mean? Well it means the war ended, and uneasy peace was re-established, and vampires were not exterminated from the face of the Earth. In summary, Magnus was defeated and presumed to be dead, but it was only by humans and vampires joining forces to confront him that this was possible. SOLDIER, for which we still do not have a sensical acronym, was formed as an agency to keep the peace and uphold the terms of the Blood Compact, which was signed in both human and vampire blood at the end of the wars. The compact basically states that the murder of either human by vampire or vampire by human is forbidden and punishable. SOLDIER employs both human and vampire agents to enforce this policy. Nowadays, the SOLDIER organization has been accepted worldwide and has headquarters in every country. Under their vigilance, peace has been maintained. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Appearance: image preferred Name: Age: Species: faction: backstory: If turned-how and when powers: Skills: Quirks: has a tick, a stutter, a repetitive habit (flips hair a lot, always sucking on a lollipop, Whatever) [/hider] This is a continuation of characters from the Blood Compact series in the Guild. The Blood Compact has been broken and all is chaos between humans, vamps and werewolves. All are welcome to apply.