[center][color=ffd700][h1][u]00017[/u][/h1][/color] [url=https://youtu.be/KHkE9bLqkHg][img]http://i.imgur.com/5ugWerI.jpg?1[/img][/url][/center] [b]--HRHS[color=ed1c24][b][sup]1[/sup][/b][/color] Princess Katarina--[/b] <> The voice that came over the speakers of her headset, yanked Itsuko back to reality, after she had partially dozed off while listening to some music that, she used to concentrate during her usually long solo flights and landing/take off procedures. [color=ffd700]"Understood, control. Tiger, taking off now."[/color] Today was different though, Itsuko, or 00017 as she was officially referred to on MOD paperwork would not be taking a normal mission, but transferring to an inland base for some purpose that she could only guess off. Considering that Courier Airfield was located near the border of Remoni and Satea, there were more than a few good bets. Either way, Itsuko was cut off of that train of thought as well as the voice of none other than the Captain of the Katarina, Admiral Norris, a veteran seaman that was more than a father for everyone on his fleet, came over the radio. "Come back home in one piece, Tiger. I know I said that before, but a kid such as you should be playing, instead of fighting our wars." [color=ffd700]"Sir, yessir! As I said before, I fight so that other children don't have to. Also, it's quite cool being a fighter pilot, y'know?"[/color] Itsuko, replied as she did one last flyby over the Principality's Northeastern Fleet flagship, before setting the autopilot to the coordinates she had been given, flying at low altitude and just a little bellow mach speed. The last message she got from the Katarina, before radio silence settled in, was a rather unusual request from the Admiral, which Itsuko wasn't even sure how to reply, defaulting for a wordless grin. "00017, if you ever have enough free time while bound to that base, try to visit my family. I have a great granddaughter right about your age, I'm sure she would like to know you. My hometown isn't so far away from that base, after all." Itsuko could swear that she heard the Admiral sigh, muttering that he was getting too old for this, but she let it go. There was at least four hours of solo flight before her and the only thing Itsuko could do to pass the time was set her music back to maximum volume and try to take a nap while she could. <> [color=ffd700]"Damn, I overslept."[/color] Itsuko muttered to herself before opening the radio channel to Courier Airfield and stating her ID and mission, shortly followed by being given permission to land by a very begrudgingly cooperative flight controller. The only time when Itsuko woke up from her nap during her flight, before reaching the airfield was whens she was flying over a small city and performed a few simple maneuvers for some children that had gathered on a battered, old soccer field when they saw a fighter jet flying over their homes. Itsuko even waved to them, though she was certain that no one saw it. Either way, when the landing procedures were finally done, Itsuko made a beeline to the nearest showers, requesting a fresh uniform and something to eat, from her appointed 'aide', before getting into the shower room. Itsuko didn't expected to find someone else here, usually military personnel (mostly the men) think that proper hygiene can wait, even when there's no rush to do stuff, but Itsuko was too used to the life at the sea, to pass on a proper bath right after landing. Anyway, she found out that another girl was there, older and much more endowed than Itsuko, naturally. [color=ffd700]"I hope I'm not bothering you. I just transferred here from the Katarina and the flight plus this weather is making me feel like melting. I'm used to operating in the far north, after all. Oh, sorry for not introducing myself, I'm Faceless number 00017, callsign: Tiger, but you can call me Itsuko."[/color] The long-haired blonde tried to be friendly, offering a handshake instead of a salute, since... what good are norms when you are naked, after all? At least on the showers, everyone was equal, at least Itsuko though like that... [hr] [color=ed1c24][b][sup]1[/sup][/b][/color]: His/Her Royal Highness Ship.