[h3][color=chocolate][center]~Chieko~[/center][/color][/h3] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QuwWTaz.png[/img][/center] [@6Slyboy6] [@ADamnFiddle] [@Heckno12] [b]"Hehe, just you see little brat. You don't help me, you in for trouble."[/b] Brat? Please, she had been as civil as she could possibly be given this mutt's behavoir. She didn't exactly know exactly what he meant by that either, but it couldn't have been anything good. [b]"Thank god you arrived knight. This girl has lightened my purse by 80 silver coins. In fact she made sure I lose my bag too. And now she refuses to help me find it. Can you talk some sense into her?"[/b] Sure enough...it wasn't. She was pulled by Grian towards the knight, though gave no resistance. Looking like she was resisting was just going to make this worse. [i]She[/i] was the bad guy here? Bullshit. Complete, and utter, bullshit. Well, if he was going to blatantly lie about what happened, fine. She was going to tell the entire truth and make him regret messing with her. Instead, she turned her head towards the Knight, face betraying no emotion. Honestly, she had had it with this mangy mutt, and she wasn't going to let him off easy. [color=chocolate]"I'm...the bad guy here?"[/color] She quietly began. [color=chocolate]"I wake up in this city without any knowledge of how I arrived here. When I try and get my bearings, this mangy flea-ridden mongrel assaults me after his clumsiness causes him to lose his money."[/color] Perhaps she could make him lose his composure just a bit. It would definitely help the Knight see that at least he wasn't the pleasant sort if he did. [color=chocolate]"Then he tries to kidnap me and drag me off to god knows where to do god knows what to me."[/color] That was the complete truth as far as Chieko was concerned. Well, maybe that last bit was a slight exaggeration, but he hadn't seemed keen on letting her go. She looked over to Ryan before continuing. [color=chocolate]"I don't even know the name of this city..."[/color] She turned her head towards the ground, voice quivering just slightly. [color=chocolate]"Or where I even am..."[/color] She wasn't too proud to admit she had no idea where she was, but if it could help get the mutt off her back, she'd do it.