[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=aqua]Eugene Han[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/wzEoeBv.gif[/img] [hr] Her Desk [hr] To think she assumed the worst part of her day would be fixing Chris' mistake - how many times had she had to do that over the years? She typically reserved meting out punishments for the boss, but cases such as this couldn't go without a reprimand. Although it seemed likely that any reprimand would fall on deaf ears - as by the time she finished going over the email and silently stewing in a bit of anger and looking up, she noticed the office had gotten considerably less...populated. If that meant Chris got the boot, Eugene was going to chalk it up to the latest screw up - which now fell to her to fix. And then it set in further. Not only was it now her job to get the major client back, but if her eyes were working correctly...there was just one salesperson in the branch. [color=aqua]"Ah, Shi-bal..."[/color] she cursed in her native tongue just before running a thumb and index finger along her forehead. People were doing interviews, but how many were going to be able to fill the vacant sales position? Worse, she would have to potentially train new employees - in the past she was able to have others do it for her, in order to fit the ruse. But now? Was there even a point to the ruse now that the staff was basically new? In a way, she had done it. She had fooled them all - so much for the grand plans of revealing it on the day of her retirement or, god forbid, firing. Now...now she had nothing except a bunch of clients to now worry about. It might've meant a bigger check come pay day. But it also might've meant a merging or, worse, loss of job. In the midst of the panic, because for as much as they were told not to how could Eugene not be panicking on some level - Eugene turned to the camera crew, no doubt wondering if there was anything more to shoot now that a mass exodus had transpired. Eugene stood up and motioned for one of the cameras to follow her into the annex, making sure to shut the door behind them. [color=aqua]"When corporate comes down it's never a good thing,"[/color] Eugene spoke in non-broken English, [color=aqua]"But it's usually just a routine meeting and check up - they would tell the underperformers to do better and I would get praised and my stock lowered in the eyes of my co-workers. But now? If they catch wind of this...if the office is empty...I don't know what we're gonna do."[/color] Eugene exhaled, brushing hair from her forehead. [color=aqua]"What? Oh, the voice? Well at this point I'd only be hurting us to keep it going. This is a bit of an issue, try to take it seriously. If all else fails we could maybe find some college dropouts to fill the ranks. Honestly? They might even do a better job."[/color] With another deep breath, Eugene returned to the main floor, noting the look of general confusion on the eyes of those still employed. [color=aqua]"No use worrying about it,"[/color] Eugene spoke up, taking a seat at her desk and pulling up the list of clients that until recently had been split among the sales staff, [color=aqua]"Until they say otherwise we still have jobs to do. But if either of you want to try your hands at sales, now's your chance."[/color] It was going to be a long day.[/center]