I am back after kind of a long break, moved across country almost and currently have a full time job. Though I love writing to much to stop, so I decided it might be fun to get back into it. I used to want a lot of Rp's at once to always have something new to read. Though I found my writing suffered as I just wanted to post as fast as possible. Now I am currently writing a novel that might get published (something I am super excited about). So I found that I only want about 3 Rp's going at once. This way I can take my time and write amazing replies so my partner's can enjoy the RP as much as I do. The 4 idea's I am currently looking for are.. [s]Teacher x Student*[/s] [s]Mechanic* x Rich woman[/s] Assassin x Secret Agent [s]Pact of the Clans: The eldest vampire dies and leaves his daughter behind to rule their clan. A pact was made long ago that each ruler vampire ruler would have a werewolf by their side. Vice versa for the werewolf clan. The werewolf that is sent has to be the current rulers eldest.[/s] [s]I would be playing the werewolf [/s] * means that is the character I will play Just one last thing, I am looking for people who like the tag says can write Casual, I have had RP's that start with paragraphs and then go into one liners. I do not want that again, it is alot harder for me to write a solid few paragraphs when my partner doesn't give me alot ot work with. Thanks for your time hope to start writing with you soon. PM me if interested