[hr][hr] [h1][color=cyan][center]Samantha Hunter[/center][/color][/h1] [center][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/7fe20c7404112ac6fc33aca49785fca0/tumblr_mg0rdaRJEB1rumfpuo1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Aunt Sue's Inn, Room One Interacting With: Jessica Soreast[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Samantha took out her phone as she started to head over to any recent news, which of course there was some outbreak in Sacramento California she played the news story video. She cringed slightly at the thought of the news story with some mom's going completely Walking Dead on people and eating other people. She sighed slightly as she decided to flip to some music on her phone and closed her eyes as she started to listen to it, her mind started to wonder towards the weird events that had happened during the day. As well as what the hell that voice was in her room, which really did freak her out, Samantha didn't want to go into that room again, but all of her things were also in her room and she needed her camera to do her job as well. Samantha then caught movment in the corner of her eye and turned her head slightly and looked out the window to see Jessica walking as if she was a zombie, she wasn't sure what was wrong with her. Maybe she was on drugs or something along those lines, she wasn't really sure but it looked like that the woman was in some sort of trouble. Same then decided to see if she was alright, Sam slowly opened the car door and got out, but she left the door open she was still very cautions about it. [color=cyan]"Is everything okay ma'am?"[/color] Sam asked as she kept herself close to her car.