[center][h1][b]Iuppiter - God of the Sky[/b][/h1] [i]God of the Sky, Forerunner of Kings, Commander of the Sun and Storms[/i][/center] [h3][b]Domains[/b][/h3] Light, Space, The Sky, and Electricity. [h3][b]Powers[/b][/h3] Iuppiter is God of all that the light touches. While other gods might have direct control over a certain element or aspect of life- almost everything can be tied back to Iuppiter. Iuppiter commands the sun, which allows plants to grow, which allows animals to eat. He commands the sky, and directs the clouds, which allows life to continue. He even controls many aspects of the sun and the stars- such as their heat, light, and the shapes they make in the sky. [h3][b]Vulnerabilities[/b][/h3] Iuppiter has direct control of very few things and often works in tandem with other Gods. He can make the sun shine and the clouds cry as much as he pleases - but only the god of the earth can allow grass to grow. He can produce storms and thunder and lightning, but only Nahargu'ul can allow him water from the seas. At the end of the day, Iuppiter's abilities are the keys to life itself- but he can by no means do it all on his own. [h3][b]Appearance[/b][/h3] [hider=Digital depiction][center][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/cdb0/f/2009/250/3/e/god_of_thunder_by_zzjimzz.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Iuppiter isn't often seen by many- but when he shows, it is impossible not to notice him. His sheer size towers tens of thousands of feet into the stratosphere. Legends say that in particularly brutal storms or hurricanes, his form can be seen inside the clouds for a moment when the lightning lights up the sky. When he takes the shape of a man, he often appears as a rather tall (6'1-6'2) but portly man with a long white beard. Think of him like a viking Santa Claus, but wearing traveler's clothing rather than wielding a battle axe. [h3][b]Creations[/b][/h3] Iuppiter has created birds. They are the only living beings he is responsible for. However, cloud formations, the sun, thunder, lightning, rain, meteor showers, magnetism, constellations, winds, and various eclipses are all things he has is completely or partially responsible for. Here is a small montage of his clouds: [hider=Clouds] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BMPrnAXCAAEtTgg.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oufza.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/evqrzyo.jpg[/img][/hider] Ziz [hider=Ziz] [img]http://www.walldevil.com/wallpapers/h16/feather-dragon-bird-tail.jpg[/img] Iuppiter's most common enforcer are creatures known as Ziz. A Ziz is, for all intents and purposes closest in description to a Griffin or Cockatrice. However, the creature's bat-like ability to move on land and bird-like ability to stay airborne for long periods of time make it something in between, or something entirely different. Unlike, draconids, a Ziz has no ability to breathe any form of attack and does not have wing membranes. Instead, it has massive feathers, and can paralyze creatures it sees with a single gaze. This ability stems from it's ability to control the very electricity generated by muscle movement- and it can render it's prey completely immobile by preventing their muslces from moving as long as it's gaze remains on them. A Ziz's size tends to vary- with younger creatures traversing forests and canyons with their bat-like adaptations, and the elders of their species soaring high in the clouds and over open oceans. Oftentimes never touching land for decades or more. The largest Ziz can rival even the largest dragons in size- but are very seldom seen.[/hider] Hraesvelgr [hider=Hraesvelgr] [img]http://i3.asn.im/Monster-cloud-_tsih.jpg[/img] [i]Among the skies are Ziz and bird, But dwelling with them- a force unheard, Upon the edge of the world the beast remains, A single wing beat creates hurricanes[/i] -Elder runes Hraesvelgr is a creature that inhabits the frozen wastelands of Antarctica. It is so unimaginably vast that it's presence and movements generate winter superstorms on a continental scale. None but the gods know of it, and it's purpose on the planet is to assist Iuppiter in generating wind cells that exist across the planet.[/hider] Phoenix [hider=Phoenix] [img]http://sf.co.ua/12/11/wallpaper-2449445.jpg[/img] Phoenix's are elemental birds that are a true embodiment of fire. These legendary birds are renowned as tools Iuppiter has created to name new kings, rulers, and leaders. Whenever a king is born, a phoenix reincarnates and seeks this new ruler out, and extinguishes when that king passes away. A Phoenix acts as a guardian angle, per say, to the ruler throughout their young and adult lives and it is said that they are mediums for kings to communicate with Iuppiter himself in times of extreme strife. Phoenixes cannot be permanently killed as long as the ruler they are linked to is alive, and always reincarnate within a short period of time after being slain. If the ruler is killed while under their watch, the Phoenix will die and reincarnate to guide a new ruler. These firebirds are extremely intelligent, sentient even, and have memories from their past lives and can even sense regicide plans. If the ruler loses their way, the Phoenix will extinguish itself and reincarnate under a new person.[/hider] [h3][b]Worshipers, Religion, and Culture[/b][/h3] Iuppiter is a well known god, just not by name. Very rarely does he do much to directly effect mortals- but he receives acts of servitude and sacrifice daily (even if he doesn't want them). Wishes for good weather for a good harvest, and calm seas for good trade are all within his realm of control (with the seas being one he works with Nahargu'ul with on the regular). His worshippers are the farmers, the peasants, the kings, the sailors, the inventors, and the common man. He is referred to by many names- too many to count, but all wishing for the same or similar things. Almost all cultures recognize a Phoenix as representing a great ruler or important leader. Be it a king or a commander or seafaring captain. [h3][b]Region or Location[/b][/h3] Much like Nahargu’ul, Iuppiter's command is vast. Arguable the greatest in distance out of all the gods. However, due to the current state of the mortals, very little of his sphere of influence is actually taken advantage of. However, due to his closely knit relationship with the god of the sea- Iuppiter makes due. With trade winds, he creates pathways of travel, and with command over the stars and magnetism- items such as compasses and directions in the form of constellations have become tools of the common man. No matter where you are, day or night, near or far, Iuppiter is watching over you. Hopefully with a smile. [h3][b]Personality[/b][/h3] Iuppiter is a fairly kind and jolly god, and one that oftentimes assists mortals and their endeavors far more than he does hinder them. He is naturally kind- and enjoys the wonder of children and the awe of adults. His boisterous and fairly active lifestyle have lead him to becoming particularly invested in the wellbeing of the mortals he watches. But, his brotherhood with the god of the sea has instilled some iron into the grip of their fairly benevolent god- and when you piss him off, you will know it. [h3][b]Opinions[/b][/h3] [color=slategray]Nahargu'ul[/color] - Despite being relative polar opposites, Nahargu'ul and Iuppiter have a surprisingly close relationship. Despite Nahargu'ul's nature as a pariah in the immortal community, his brotherhood with the god of the sea extends to the dawn of creation. So much so that the two Gods have created various natural phenomenons. Because they've touched tips so much over time, thunder, lightning, storms, and hurricanes have come into existence. They are basically brothers- each one side of a coin. [color=red]Kilgarrah[/color] - Kilgarrah and Iuppiter have had a fairly brotherly relationship. Dragons fly, and Iuppiter controls the sky itself. Dragons breathe fire- and hey, Iuppiter is a God of light. Due to his creations taking a home in the place of his power itself was Kilgarrah placing his trust in the god of the sky- who intends to never break that trust. Nahash - Iuppiter is a warm god- jolly and red nosed like a being of happiness. While Nahash can be a little sketchy here and there, Iuppiter will always have a love for shiny objects and good fun. Both of which the bringer of hope and wealth can produce in surplus. Dormammus - Dormammus and his sorcery has always instilled a sense of wonder into Iuppiter. While the two very rarely interact due to their busy schedules, Iuppiter will always make time for the god's company provided Dormammus is willing to blow the Sky god's mind in his latest work. [color=9e0b0f]Ha[/color] - Iuppiter has good relations with most gods, and Ha is among them. While the god of the sky has little use for the artifacts created by the god of forge, he does have an appreciation for the time, effort, and workmanship of each craft. [color=yellow]Luck[/color] - Lady luck has always struck Iuppiter as positively enigmatic, and the cheerful god is not one to say no to the company that only she could provide. Her abilities are so unlike his, but also so similar, that any tales she has to recount always fall unto intent and excited ears in his company. Kalla - The earth mother is one of Iuppiter's greatest friends. Much like Nahargu'ul, the god of the sky shares many, [i]many[/i] interactions with her. He spends a very large chunk of his time collaborating with the Everqueen. Animals such as butterflies, bees, and even birds wouldn't exist unless they had. Much like Iuppiter and Nahagu'ul, the two have a chemistry together that goes beyond godhood and into brother and sisterhood. They two are close. There is no denying that. Yigzavath - Despite the pestilence god's avoidance, Iuppiter does not detest Yigzavath. He wants to form a relationship with the god of illness. He has applied himself to collaborate several times under social standings. The creation of insects such as Bees and Butterflies are proof of this slowly developing professional relationship. Asivar - While the Huntsman seems to have no strong feelings towards the sky god one way or the other, Iuppiter does his best to view the man in a positive light. While he wished the god would encourage his huntsman to not be so unnecessarily assertive with his creations, he enjoys the spark of passion Asivar has in his eyes when he recounts war stories. [color=0072bc]Del Sombra[/color] - While some of the other gods might dislike Sombra for her overly curious nature, the god of the sky has no issue. The sky is vast and open and air isn't particularly good at holding anything that's not built for flying, so there isn't a whole lot for her to poke around in. He likes her, as he does with most gods. And with her nature he has played a harmless prank. Cats [i]always[/i] fall on their feet, [b]and[/b] their terminal velocity is half that of a human's. He's had good fun watching her try to figure that one out. [h3][b]Tales[/b][/h3] Iuppiter is god of the sun. Each day he drives a chariot of fiery serpents and horses across the sky to give light to the world. It is said that superstorms such as hurricanes were thought up during a drunk conversation between Iuppiter and Nahargu'ul. As the tale goes, the boisterous and jolly god of the sky and the dark god of the sea had been arguing like brothers do, and as a result of their quarrel- the greatest natural phenomenon ever was born. The resulting hurricane wrecked havoc upon the land and the sea- and both gods marveled at their newfound tool. The argument ceased, and the gods continued to experiment with cooperation- leading to various kinds of storms and vortexes. Legends even tell of the infamous 'Sharknado' that led to a great loss of life. This story is almost solely spread by drunks and vagabonds, but is spread never the less. [hr] [center][h1]Hero[/h1][/center] [Hider=Benedict Kaspin]Name: Benedict Kaspin Age: Old. But he no longer ages. Race: Previously Drakken Gender: Male Description: Benedict is a gargantuan hominid Drakken. His body is incredibly muscular. Similarly to a rhino, Benedict has thick and armor like hide that protects him from most forms of physical assault. Arrows, swords, and most forms of bladed weaponry are ineffective on the first swing. Blunt weaponry is more effective, if enough force is applied. His body is slate blue coloration, with little variation in colors from one area to the next. His body, despite being generally aggressive in appearance Benedict has the foul attitude that only a herbivore could have. Benedict's diet is about 95% plants. He also eats a lot of coconuts. Like, a LOT of coconuts. Benedict's clothing is akin to his lifestyle. Luxury is not exactly far up on the list of needs and his clothing is more for functionality then it is for anything else. He wears pants composed to sewn grey leather, and a large leather coat made of bear skin. All of his clothing was hunted and made by him- and the craftsman ship (or lack there of) shows his inexperience in the skill. [hider=Image][img]http://i.imgur.com/XwXSQ4l.png[/img][/hider] Personality: Benedict is blunt, stubborn, and rude. For the most part, this is usually a bad thing. But to some, this aspect can be endearing. He will always tell it as it is. He knows human nature well, and due to his history he often thinks the worst of people. Benedict is a pessimist and a realist. And he will tell you that you are going to die. He will also tell you that he will do everything in his power to keep you from being killed. Despite his relatively angry and distrustful personality Benedict is still a relatively social creature. He forms a quick 'team' bond with people who work well with him. Even if he doesn't necessarily like them (or if they dont really like him). He will play favorites. If he knows someone is better than you at something he will give you zero chance to improve because he will always play to them. Much like the dragon, which Benedict is similar to, he is protective and possessive... of his stuff. If you want to be brutally maimed or worse, steal. Benedict also has an really bad temper and an INFAMOUSLY foul mouth. This guy is the shakespeare of curse words and he has literally come up with more insulting or slang terms than anyone has ever thought possible. It's like the damn guy has probably researched this shit. Like, have you ever met a person who has called a prostitute a 'Slattern'? Well, now you have! He also takes an unusually large amount of pleasure out of seeing other people get hurt by doing stupid things. He's no psychopath, and he's not going to torture anyone just cause. He will be efficient and... messy though. That's his style. Leave no survivors and a mess for someone else to clean up. No, Benedict doesn't want to be loved. No, he doesn't need a hug. No, he doesn't secretly crave attention. He's not a people person. He's very much okay with being left alone for the most part. He was born a loner. He thinks he will die a loner as well. Backstory: Benedict was neither honorable, nor noble. He was a selfish, angry creature that was mad at the world for a reason he couldn't even define. While he was never outright evil, he was tempted by the Betrayer himseld- Ancalagon. While following Ancalagon, Benedict did several terrible, horrible things to his kind and to others in a quest to further a being who had made him believe he was doing something right. Destruction of homes and places of worship, defamation, and murder are amoung them. As the saying goes: "The path to evil is paved with good intentions." Kilgarrah was mortified by Benedict's actions, and exiled him. Turning him from a Drakken into something he considered... less. Benedict 'lost his wings'. And as a result lost his home, or whatever he had left of it. But, Iuppiter still saw good in Benedict. Iuppiter taught him that when you look for the light, one can often find it. And so, Benedict began to get better. Slowly, and painfully, he transformed from an angry monster into a grumpy reptilian man. When Kilgarrah saw his progress, he gifted Iuppiter with Benedict's soul. Trusting his brother to do what he was best at- showing Benedict the light. However, Benedict still battles his inner evils. He holds a deep disdain for Ancalagon. He wishes to slay the Primeval Betrayer. Motivation: To atone for his sins and slay Ancalagon. Why have they been chosen as a hero?: "You have light, and peace inside of you. If you let it out, you can change the world around you. You're not the man you used to be. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have [i]ever[/i] been. And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It's time for you to choose. It's time for you to choose good. There is nothing wrong with someone helping you get there." Equipment: Benedict has nothing more than the clothes on his back and a magical cinderblock with a chain welded to it given to him by Iuppiter, and made by Ha. The cinder block and chain are unbreakable. On the face of the cinder block, the words [i]"The Truth"[/i] are scratched in. Magic: Benedict has an innate magical resistance as a result of Kilgarrah's curse. This means that Benedict can neither cast magic nor can he be effected by it.[/hider]